Part 1 - 1

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He's a walking, talking cliché if I've ever seen one. If this were some cheesy teen romance flick, some lame background music would be playing and Brody Vincent would be walking in slow motion. His designer jeans, brand new kicks on his feet, and Under Armour polo shirt spoke of money. His letterman jacket and basketball under one arm spoke of his athleticism and popularity. It was the twinkle in his eyes and the smirk on his face that got to me the most, I thought with a scowl. He was a player. He knew it. All fifteen hundred residents of Pathfinder, Kansas knew it and yet girls still threw themselves at him.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't find him attractive. Hell, anybody with eyes can see that he's good looking with all that unruly dark brown hair and dark bedroom eyes. I, Lexi Green, found Brody Vincent attractive. There, I admitted it, at least to myself, so now I can move on with my life. It's not like I was secretly pining for him or anything. I could appreciate a good looking guy, just like any other heterosexual girl. That, however, is where it ended. I despised everything Brody Vincent stood for. Even though we'd gone to school together since Kindergarten, we'd never actually spoken. So color me surprised, when the man of the century suddenly leaned against the locker beside mine.

I glanced his way, raised an eyebrow, and went back to collecting my books. Brody was giving me a lazy grin. I'd witnessed the effects that grin had on other females. Panties practically melted off the bodies of the stupid girls at this school when that smile was directed their way. I was ready to be done with it all. Just a few more months, we'd graduate and I could leave Pathfinder High for good. I would have gladly done that without having to interact with Brody Vincent, but apparently it wasn't in the cards, because even though I ignored him, he continued to lean near my space.

"What do you want?" I finally snapped, slamming my locker closed.

Brody's eyes scanned down my body. I wasn't dressed any different today than normal. I wore jeans, which had holes in the knees, and a plain black hoody. My jeans hugged my hips, but you wouldn't know it, because the baggy hoody hide that fact. On my feet, were a pair of black motorcycle boots which had seen better days. No, I didn't own a motorcycle, I just liked the edgy vibe the boots added to my appearance. I had five earrings lining each ear and a purple stud in my nose. The purple matched my hair. Yes, I said it. I have purple hair. Bright, offensive purple.

"You'll be perfect. Meet me at my car after school. We have a date." Brody said the most ridiculous thing, with a smirk on his face, and then he started to walk away.

I blinked and then hollered, louder than necessary, "Um no!"

Brody froze and turned around, "No?"

I ignored all of the eyes on us, as I straightened my spine and hugged my books to my chest, "You heard me. I said no. I know it's not a word you hear often, but I said it and I stand by it."

Brody came closer, lowering his voice for me alone, "I don't think you understand. Nobody tells me no."

"Well, I did and I don't care what you think you can do in retaliation. You want to make me a social leper? Have at it. I've pretty much taken care of that myself. You want to have everyone snub me at school? I won't give a shit. Again, you'd be too late." I tell him and turn my back on him this time. I'd only taken two steps when he moved around me, into my path. I had to stop or risk running into him. I didn't know what his game was, but I knew I couldn't touch him. For some reason I felt like I might give him anything if I touched him. That thought made me frown. I wasn't a weak female, so I needed to stop acting like it.

Brody was frowning and damn it, that just added to his appeal. His confusion was almost adorable. Then I reminded myself that I loved to hate him, so I forced a glare. He shook his head, "Huh, well, this wasn't expected."

"Oh boo-hoo, somebody actually managed to shock THE Brody Vincent." I sneered.

Brody seemed to be thinking over some things before he said, "What's your name?"

I blinked and then shouted, "Are you fucking kidding me?" Had I mentioned we'd gone to school together since we were five?

Brody smirked, "Yes, I am. Lexi Green, lives in the blue house on Beeker Street. Has never spoken to me a day in her life. Until now, that is." I blinked again, but was too surprised to speak. So he continued, with a resigned sigh, "Look, I need to piss off my parents tonight and I'm sorry, Lexi, but with your purple hair and the piercings, you'd be perfect for the job. So will you come to dinner at my house tonight and help me piss off my folks? Please. I'll pay you. One hundred dollars."

I choked. One hundred dollars just to pretend to be his girlfriend during dinner with his parents? I looked at my feet, before darting my eyes around the hallway. Every eye was on us. Some were frowning. Some were surprised. Some were glaring. The glares were mostly coming from the cheerleaders. One in particular caught my eye. Amber Pennington was the head cheerleader and a cliché in her own right. Blond, beautiful, and bitchy. To my knowledge, she and Brody were an item.

"What about Amber?"

Brody frowned, "What about her? We're not exclusive, no matter what ideas she may have in her head."

I smirked, "Ideas? In Amber's head? That's hilarious."

Brody chuckled and I found myself melting a little. Shit, I was going to do it. As if reading my mind, Brody asked, "So you'll do it? You'll help me out?"

I sighed, "Yea."

Brody flashed me another grin and began walking backwards. Before he rounded the corner he winked at me and said, "Thanks, Lexi."

I stood, rooted to the spot, unsure what to do about the roller coaster of feelings coursing through me, in that moment. I knew better than to think anything good would come from this little charade that Brody wanted to put on. I figured best case scenario, his parents would kick me out. Worst case scenario would be if I actually had to pretend to be his girlfriend throughout the whole evening. What would that be like? I'd already admitted that I didn't think touching him would be a good idea. Would he hold my hand, kiss me, or...try to do more? Surely not in front of his parents, but if there was one thing I knew about Brody Vincent, it was that he liked to shock people. Shit. I was in big trouble, but my biggest fear of all was that I had this crazy feeling that Brody Vincent was going to prove me wrong about him being the biggest cliché of all time.

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