Part 2 - 24

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Usually, if I needed a drink, I'd either wallow alone at home or I'd head to the country club. After quitting my job, turning the company over to Cammy, putting my huge house on the market, and ignoring calls from my mother all week, I couldn't go to the country club. I'd started pouring myself a drink at home, but I'd felt like breaking something and I knew I needed to get out of there. If I tore the place apart, I'd never be able to sell it. Ronny had done as I'd asked, going to Lexi with a fake story about being in love and unsupportive family members. He claimed that he thought it got through to her, but she hadn't come to me. So maybe she hadn't picked up on anything. I'd had to try to give her that boost though and I shouldn't be surprised she hadn't come to me. She'd tried that a week ago and I'd left her high and dry, without an explanation. Today, I finally allowed myself to wallow in self-pity, which had led to my anger spike. I needed to get out of the house, which is how I ended up going to The Rusty Door on a busy Friday night. Imagine my surprise upon finding a very tipsy Lexi Green, leaning against the bar with another woman.

Lexi froze as soon as her eyes found me and I almost walked right back out. She'd been smiling, but upon spotting me her grin turned into a frown. I didn't want to ruin her mood. I couldn't walk away, however, when I watched a man walk up and ask her to dance. She glanced at me nervously, before politely declining. Why had she declined? Did she know that I'd hate seeing her in the arms of another man? Did she do it to spare my feelings? What was I thinking? She probably couldn't give too shits about my feelings and I didn't blame her. Although, Felix did say she was crying when she left my office the other day, having overheard what I'd said to my mother. Did that mean she really did care about my feelings then?"

She'd been brave enough to come and face me, a week ago, so I'd repay the effort now. I made my way through the crowd and didn't stop until I stood in front of my girl. She'd gotten dolled up to come out tonight and I hated that she hadn't gotten ready with me in mind. Forcing that selfish thought away, I smiled, "Hi Lexi."

"Uh, hi, Brody." She said and a goofy smile appeared on her face, as she swayed a little. Yep, she was definitely drunk and cute as a button.

Her friend gasped, "Brody? You're Brody?"

"Uh, yea." I said, nervously. Was her friend about to pummel me? Before I could find out, Lexi asked the question I'd been dreading for six years.

"Why did you do it? Why Amber?"

I sighed, "Can we go somewhere to talk?"

Lexi's friend nodded, hiccupping, "Yes, you two should go talk somewhere. I'll call Lucas and have him come get me."

"No, Leslie, we came out together." Lexi protested.

Leslie waved a hand, "Chick, I haven't felt this frisky since before Landry was born. Your brother is getting some tonight and I'm ready to roll now."

"Uh, gross." Lexi muttered, but the two woman hugged, before Leslie made her way to the exit.

"Will you come with me?" I asked and held out my hand, silently begging for her to take it. If we were going to finally have this talk, then I didn't want it to be surrounded by other people and loud music. When Lexi finally placed her hand in mine, I closed my fingers around hers and never wanted to let go. I headed for the exit, with her hand in mine, feeling like a million bucks. I didn't deserve to be the one leaving the bar with her and I knew she wasn't leaving with me for any other reason than curiosity, but I would take it.

On the drive to my house, we were both quiet. Lexi kept fidgeting in the passenger seat until I pulled into my garage, she demanded, "Where are we?"

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