Part 2 - 25

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I rolled over, to stare at the ceiling, feeling like an idiot. I'd practically thrown myself at Brody last night and he'd turned me down. I'd been mortified and wanted to run, to find a hole to bury myself in. Brody had talked me into staying in one of his guest bedrooms, so that's where I was currently hiding. I had heard Brody starting to move around over an hour ago, up and about, but I didn't know if I could face him.

When I had begun to strip last night, he'd stopped me, grabbing my hands. He'd stared into my eyes before letting his eyes take a walk down my body. I'd shivered and I knew he'd felt it. Instead of taking me up on what I was offering, however, he shook his head and said, "As much as I want to do this with you, we can't tonight. You've been drinking and we've talked about a lot of emotional shit. I don't want you to regret it in the morning."

I was trying to figure out if he had been right. Now that my head was clearer, would I have regretted it? The way my body was humming with suppressed need, I doubted I would have regretted it. In fact, I regret that he'd stopped me. With that thought in mind, I climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom across the hall, where I found a new toothbrush waiting for me. I tried not to think about how often Brody had provided new tooth brushes to female guests. After brushing my teeth, I studied myself in the mirror. My hair was tousled from sleep and I wore a t-shirt Brody had provided for me. It covered me to mid-thigh. I thought about what I was doing, for about two seconds, and then pulled my panties off. I was now completely naked under that t-shirt and I had every intention of seducing Brody this morning. Six years ago, I got robbed of my night of passion with Brody, and I was going to claim my right this morning.

Plan in mind, I made my way downstairs. Brody was at the stove and apparently heard me come in, because he said, "Good morning, I'm making pancakes. Would you like—?"

He stopped mid-sentence as he'd turned and looked at me. His eyes took me in and my nipples were clearly begging for attention, as they pebbled so severely they were threatening to cut right through the shirt. I smiled as I watched him struggle to swallow. I loved how much I still affected him. He affected me the same, I thought, as I let my eyes wander over him. He wore a pair of loose sweatpants and a t-shirt. He shouldn't have looked so sexy, but then again, he was always sexy. The way the t-shirt fit him, showed how much more defined his muscles were now.

"Lex?" He growled.

Without pause, I grabbed the bottom of the shirt I was wearing and tugged, all the way up and over my head. I now stood before him, completely naked, acting more brazen than I ever had before. Brody slowly reached down and turned the stove off, removing the pan from the hot burner, and abandoning his pancakes. It took him three strides, before he picked me up and placed me onto the kitchen counter. The tiled counter was cold on my naked ass, making me gasp. I grew heated a moment later, however, as Brody cupped my face and slanted his mouth over mine. We devoured each other like we were starving. It had been six years since we'd tasted each other and apparently this was long overdue.

I whimpered in protest as Brody tore his lips from mine, as he growled, "That tattoo is the sexiest thing I've ever seen and I'm pissed it's taken me six years to see it."

I glanced down, where Brody ran his finger across the three doves I had tattooed below my hipbone. I sucked in a breath, "It's supposed to be me and my brothers, because we survived such a shitty upbringing. Of course, I got it before Lance got dragged too deep into the rabbit hole. I wanted it tattooed somewhere private, for only my viewing...well, and whomever I trusted enough to become intimate with."

"So fucking sexy." He growled again and then began to rain kisses down my neck, I arched my back and he finally took my aching breasts into his palms. I gasped and pressed more firmly into him, as I reached for the hem of the t-shirt he wore. I yanked and he allowed me to pull it off, over his head. As I tossed it to the floor, I admired his delectable abs. Those were a nice change, I decided as I ran my hands over him.

He closed his eyes and groaned, "I never thought I'd have your hands on me ever again. It feels amazing."

I liked it too, but I also needed more. I grabbed the waistband of his pants and tugged him closer. With my legs open and him between them, I intimately rubbed myself against the front of his pants and then grew a little embarrassed to see the wet spot I'd left behind. He didn't seem disgusted however, as he growled possessively, before devouring my mouth again. At the same time, he placed his hands under my butt and lifted, carrying me through the house. As he laid me down on his bed, a moment later, I grew teary-eyed. He'd laid me down so gently, it made me think he might still love me as much as I still loved him. I was too nervous to say that, however, so I just kissed him deeper, trying to tell him without words.

When his hand found my slick, wet center, I gasped and arched off the bed. With my breasts thrust toward him, he didn't waste time lowering his head and taking first one aching nipple into his mouth, before giving the same attention to the other. I was thrusting my hips toward his hand now, losing all control. I'd been wound so tight lately, it didn't take him long at all before I was shuddering and screaming with release, "Brody!"

"I love your name on my lips." He tells me, as I hear the rip of a foil wrapper. A moment later, he positioned himself at my opening and said, "Open your eyes, Lex."

I did as I was told, without question. How had he removed his pants and dawned protection so quickly? I must have really been floating in the afterglow to have missed that show. I'd have to get into better shape for next time, I decided. Then I stopped thinking, because Brody began to push into me, slowly. When he encountered the proof of my virginity, he paused and I looked up at him, with a smile, "I saved it for you."

Brody groaned, "God, Lexi, I love you, so fucking much."

Before I could respond in kind, he thrust deep, ripping through my barrier. It hadn't hurt as bad as I was expecting and then he began a rhythm that we could both enjoy. When I began meeting him, thrust for thrust, it increased the pleasure so much that I was already crying out with another orgasm, "Brody! Oh God, don't stop!"

Brody didn't stop. He kept going making me shudder time and time again, before he finally grunted with his own release. Afterward, we just lay there, tangled in each other. Brody removed the condom, tossing it to the floor, before pulling me into him. We fell asleep after that, until Brody woke me up several hours later, with his tongue between my legs. It didn't take me long to be persuaded into round two. Afterward, we went downstairs and finally finished those pancakes. It was pure bliss, until the doorbell rang, and then all hell broke loose.

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