Part 1 - 6

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Lexi had ignored me for an entire week now and I didn't like it. If she saw me coming down a hallway, she instantly backtracked and went a different way. I wasn't sure why I cared so much. Sure, she'd kind of gotten under my skin after we kissed, but I didn't do relationships. So I should be glad that she wasn't giving me the time of day now. I didn't need anybody clinging to me with a hope that we could be something we'd never be. My parent's marriage was such a joke. They were horrible examples for me and, therefore, I didn't have a good opinion on marriage.

I tried convincing myself Lexi's behavior shouldn't bother me, as I stood at my best friend's car, after school, waiting for him to give me a ride, considering I'd given up my wheels for my fake relationship. I found myself scanning the masses for her, as everyone was leaving school. Some got into their own vehicles, while others went to the bus stop. I didn't see her and I wondered how she got to and from school each day. Did she have a car? Did she take the bus? Did she walk?

"Party at Tucker Lowenstein's tonight!" My best friend Tyson Gnome announced, interrupting my wayward thoughts. Some people had said they thought we could pass as brothers. We both had brown hair, brown eyes, and a lean build. We were the stars of our school basketball team, if I did say so myself.

I grinned, "You act like this is news. There is always a party a Tucker's."

Tyson nodded, "This is true." Then he got side-tracked by a group of girl's walking by.

I grinned, shaking my head, "You're going to get fucked up tonight, I can tell. It's written all over your face."

"Fuck yes, I'm getting tore up and I'm getting laid tonight." Tyson muttered, his eyes glued to the girl's asses. They knew it too. They turned, as one, and eyed us over their shoulders. There was a lot of promise in their gazes and I would usually flirt back, at a time like this. Today, I smiled politely and leaned back against Tyson's car, letting him do his thing. A couple minutes later, Tyson walked backward, toward his car, continuing to ooze charm. When the girls were gone, he turned to me and gave me an odd look.

I frowned, "What?"

"Dude, you didn't even try right there. You just stood back and let me have all the fun. Who are you and what have you done with my best friend? You never did tell me why your dad took your car away." Tyson asked, climbing behind the wheel, while I took the passenger seat.

I hadn't told Tyson about Lexi yet. I was dragging my feet and I wasn't sure why. So I said, " you know who Lexi Green is?"

Tyson frowned, "Is that the girl with the purple hair?"

I nodded, "Yes, well, I asked her to come to dinner at my parent's house. I knew mom and dad would freak. I mean, she has purple hair for Christ sake. She has piercings and even tattoos!"

Tyson laughed, "So you brought her to meet your parents knowing they'd hate her on sight? You were trying to piss them off? I'm guessing it worked considering you've been bumming rides from me all week?"

I nodded, "It worked. Dad demanded that I break up with her or I'd lose all my privileges. I threw my car keys at him."

Tyson barked out another laugh, "That's freaking hilarious. So you're grounded because they don't like your fake girlfriend. Does the chick know that you're using her or does she think you actually like her?"

I stiffened. I didn't like the way he was talking about Lexi. I clenched my jaw, "She knows the reason I asked her to dinner. To tell you the truth, she's kind of fun to hang with."

"Fun?" Tyson asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "Just how deep did you take this fake relationship? Did you bang her?"

"Dude." I growled in warning.

His eyes snapped to mine for a second, before returning to the road, "What's going on? Do you like her, for real?"

"I don't know." I say honestly. I don't really know where my head is at anymore, where Lexi Green was concerned.

"So what are you going to do? I mean, you're basically punishing yourself by giving up your car and you don't even have a real girlfriend to show for it. I'm all for sticking it to your dad, but don't be stupid about it. It's your car man." He tells me as he pulled into my driveway.

I nod, "I hear you. You're picking me for the game, right?"

He sighed, "Yea, I'll be back to get your ass at six."

"Thanks, Dude." I tell him and exit the car. I then stiffened when I entered the house to find my father, another gentleman, and a girl about my age drinking tea.

"Brody, good you're home. This is Ben Hudson and his daughter, Becky." Dad tells me with a huge grin, like he's done something spectacular.

"Uh, hi." I say, not wanting to be completely rude. Becky blushed and looked at her lap, while her dad nodded my way.

Ben said, "It's nice to meet you, Brody. Your dad has been telling me that you have big ambitions and you can't wait to follow in his footsteps."

Seriously? God, could my dad lay it on any thicker? I was so tired of this. I was tired of him lying when it suited him and I was tired of him throwing what he called "respectable" girls at me. A vision of Lexi on my lap while I explored her mouth with my tongue sprang to mind and I knew I was about to burn some bridges, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I put a big, fake smile on my face and said, "Well, dad is partially right. I do have big ambitions, but they have nothing to do with following any of his footsteps. No offense, Ben Hudson, but I don't care who you are or what kind of business you can give my father. I don't give a damn about your daughter. No offense, Becky, I'm sure you're a nice girl. I just have no need for my father to shove either of you down my throat. Have you forgotten that I have a girlfriend, dad?"

Dad was trying really hard not to choke as he said, "That girl isn't good enough for this family."

"One of these days you'll realize that is a good thing. I don't want anyone who would be happy in this dysfunctional family. Hope you all enjoy your tea." I tell them and then march upstairs to my room, slamming the door shut behind me. Thank God I had a game tonight, so I could get out of this house. I'd go to Tyson's house afterward and get ready for the party. I wouldn't have to face my asshole family until morning.

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