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Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read Pathfinder all the way through (I'm not totally sold on the title!  For some reason, I had a hard time naming this one.)

About halfway through writing Pathfinder, I got this plan in my head.  This was going to be THE story.  I was going to write this one, re-write it, edit it, perfect it, and publish it on Amazon for a small fee.  Then I finished it and re-read it, making some minor changes and edits along the way.  This story just didn't feel like THE one anymore.

Confession time!  My biggest problem is, I have so many story ideas rolling around in my messed up brain, that sometimes they all roll together.  I could be in the middle of one story and another one is just begging to get out.  This has actually become a problem for me, because I haven't been able to dedicate the number of hours that I should to perfect just one story at a time.  As soon as another starts poking at me, nagging to get out, my focus is turned off of whatever I'm currently working on and transitions to a new story.  One of these days, I have got to get a handle on this!! lol

In the mean time, I hope you enjoy yet another imperfect story from me.  I'm sure you'll see more from me shortly.

Thanks again for reading!

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