Part 1 - 2

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Finding Lexi Green leaning against my car after school, I couldn't hide my surprise. I figured she'd back out and be a no show. I didn't think she fully grasped exactly what I was asking her to do, so she still might leave me hanging once I explained it to her. Deciding to test her reaction to me, I kept coming at her, until I stood right in front of her. Our chests were almost touching. She sucked in a surprised breath, but she didn't push me away or ask me to move. This was the closest I'd ever been to her and all of a sudden I was noticing how pretty she was. I briefly wondered what she would look like with normal colored hair and less eye makeup.

Needing to get back on solid ground, I smirked down at her, "So, I should probably go over what's expected of you."

She nervously wet her lips and I'll be damned if my eyes weren't glued to the movement. Maybe this little charade was going to be more fun than I had originally thought. It took a lot to rattle me and seeing Lexi's unconscious reaction to me, definitely rattled me. I wasn't expecting it, is the problem, not from her. There had been a rumor going around that Lexi Green was a lesbian, but I now knew that there was no truth behind those rumors. She was attracted to me. That could make or break this farce that I got us into.

Needing the space, in order to think clearly, I stepped back and told her, "I should probably warn you that my dad is the biggest asshole on earth. He thinks he can plan every detail of everyone else's life. He thinks I'm going to business school after high school, so that I can follow in his footsteps and eventually take over his company, Vincent Investments."

Lexi rolled her eyes, "So the rich boy's life isn't perfect after all."

I clenched my jaw, "Far from it. Anyway, back to my dad. No way in hell am I following in his footsteps, but that's beside the point. Then you've got my mother who lives in a wonderland of false pretenses and popping pills. She's clueless half the time and the other half the time she's got a fake smile on her face. Unless she's at home, then she lets her bitch flag fly freely."

"Sounds like real loving parents you've got there." She said, with sarcasm.

With an eye roll, I tell her, "You have no idea. The other occupants at the table tonight, will be my older sister Cammy, her husband Ron Depew, and their two children Ron Jr. and Ricky, nine and six years old. Cammy would have loved to follow my father and take over the company, but my dad is an asshole who doesn't believe woman can do what men can do, so he never even considered it. Instead, Cammy married Ron, because that's what dear old dad wanted and now asshole-Ron has the job that Cammy wants, while she's forced into being a stay-at-home mom. She home schools her boys, but other than that, I have no idea what she does to stay busy."

"Your family sounds horrible." Lexi says bluntly.

"That's where you come in. Mom and Dad keep pushing the daughters of his country club friends on me. I'm tired of it. So I blurted out that I had a girlfriend and they demanded to meet"

"Fine, are we ready to go do this thing and when do I get paid?"

I pulled my wallet out and handed her a crisp one hundred dollar bill. Her eyes widened, but as she reached for the bill, I held it up, just out of her reach. I smirked and told her, "I need to tell you what will be required of you, because you might try to take the money and run. Hand-holding is a given. Kissing, for sure. I might even sneak in some groping or petting, if I can. I want my parents to freak the fuck out, because I'm tired of them dictating my every move. If you're not comfortable with that, then you can leave now and I'll find somebody else to do this."

Lexi sighed, "So you only picked me because of the shock factor. You mentioned my hair and piercings would help the cause. How about tattoos?"

My eyes widened, "You have tattoos?"

Fuck, why was I suddenly turned on right now? I'd never been a huge fan of body art before, but when Lexi mentioned tattoos, I instantly became hard wondering where on her body they are. My eyes ran down her form, for the second time that day, and I suddenly wanted her to remove the oversized hoody, so I could see more of what she was working with.

"Yes, I have three tattoos. Two of which will be visible when or if I remove the hoody."

I nodded, "Yes, you're definitely going to be removing the hoody." For more reasons than I would admit, I thought.

"Fine. I'll do it, but when you mention groping, you're not talking about fingering me at the dinner table or anything that crazy, right?" She asked, suspiciously.

I groaned in physical agony, caused by her words, "I wasn't thinking about taking things that far, but now..."

"No." She said, crossing her arms.

"Fine, killjoy." I tell her with a wink and hand her the money. She takes it and pushes it into the front pocket of her backpack, which I take from her and put into the backseat of my car, before asking, "Ready?"

"No, but let's go."

I nod and get behind the wheel, while Lexi Green climbs into the passenger seat. Why did I suddenly get the impression that tonight was not going to go as I had planned? Somehow, someway, this was going to backfire in my face. I really should call it off now, but I'm too far gone. For some reason, I have to see how this plays out. I glanced at Lexi, several times while driving to my house. I have to see how the evening goes, if for no other reason than I'm dying to see what she's hiding under that hoody.

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