Part 1 - 13

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I'd tossed and turned most of the night. Knowing that Brody was so close, just in the next room, got me all hot and bothered. I'm not sure when it happened, but I craved him. Maybe it was after he'd kissed me that first time. Maybe it was after he'd picked me and pressed me against the wall in his library. I didn't know when it happened, but I was finally admitting to myself that I wanted Brody Vincent.

Knowing Lucas would murder both of us, I forced myself to stay in my room. However, the second I heard my brother leave for the day, practically before the sun was up, I was out of bed. Lucas was a workaholic. It was Sunday for goodness sake, but I knew he'd be at the office all day. He worked for an attorney's office and was also taking night classes, working toward becoming an attorney himself. So he was constantly busy.

Even though I knew neither of my brothers were home, I tiptoed down the hallway. In the living room, I slowly made my way over to the lump of blanket that hide Brody. I was about to tap him on the shoulder, when he suddenly reached out, snagged my arm, and yanked. I fell on top of him, until he rolled us both, pinning me to the couch. He braced himself, on his elbows, as he grinned down at me.

"What are you doing, Lex?" He asked, his voice rough with sleep.

"I didn't sleep much last night." I admit.

"Why?" Brody asked, not allowing me to skirt the issue.

I licked my lips, nervously, making him groan and my eyes flew to his. Seeing the look of naked longing in his eyes, I decided to tell him the truth, "I couldn't sleep, because I knew you were so close. I wanted you in that bed with me. I got myself too worked up to sleep."

He smirked as he instructed, "You should try masturbating. That usually works to get me to sleep."

I smacked his shoulder, blushing, making him chuckle. "I've never..."

His eyes widened, "You've never what, Lexi?"

"I've never masturbated." I admit.

"Seriously? How do you survive? I mean, being a virgin is one thing, but never finding any release whatsoever is just plain torturing yourself." As he tells me this, he wiggles a little, before nestling himself between my legs. My eyes widened, when I feel him there, hard. He smiles softly, "Do you feel what you do to me? Even before talking about whether you touch yourself or not, I was hard. It's because I was thinking about you. I've done nothing but think about you for days. I'm not used to denying myself, but I want to take things slow with you. I don't want to do anything that will fuck things up before we can even get started."

I bite my lip, "So does that mean I should go back to my room?"

"Fuck no. That just means I can't screw you into next week...yet. What I will do, however, is kiss you senseless." He tells me, before lowering his mouth onto mine.

As soon as his tongue sweeps passed my lips and into my mouth, my body temperature rises. Cursing the blanket that we're tangled up in, I do my best to completely wrap my legs around his waist and wiggle against him, causing friction in my nether regions. I gasp when he thrusts against me, throwing my head back and arching my back. He instantly takes advantage as he kissed down my neck. The tank top and tiny shorts I'd worn to bed, didn't provide much barrier between me and him. I hadn't bothered with a bra, so when Brody pushes one strap down my arm, he accidently, or maybe on purpose, revealed my naked breast to his wandering eyes. He stiffened, but when I didn't immediately rush to cover myself he did something completely unsuspected. He lowered his mouth and took my nipple between his lips.

"Brody!" I gasped, arching into him.

He hummed in satisfaction, "You like that."

"Yes!" I shouted as he took my pebbled nipple into his mouth once again. Just when I'm about to cry out from the pleasure/pain, he boldly yanked down the other side of my shirt so he could treat my other nipple to the same ministrations. I was now frantically wiggling and bucking my hips against him, begging for him to put an end to this ache building inside of me.

"Would you like to have an orgasm, Lexi?" He suddenly lifted his head to ask.

"God yes." I breathe, earning a low chuckle from him.

"I'd be honored to give you your first. I just don't know whether I should. I promised myself that I'd take things slow with you and now look, I've already got your naked breasts in my face." He tells me, sounding disgruntled, but not necessarily irritated that my naked boobs were there, begging for his touch. His face suddenly brightens, "How about this? How about I teach you how to pleasure yourself? That way I'm technically being good here."

I blushed, "Um, I wouldn't even know where to begin."

He took my hands and moved them in front of me, demanding, "For starters, cup your breasts in your palms."

I can't believe I'm doing this, but I do as he instructed, "Like this?"

His eyes glazed over, "Fuck this is going to be hard for me. Pun intended. Ok, you're doing great, Babe, now pinch your nipples between your fingers."

My face heated even further, but again I tried to do as he suggested. When he repositioned my hands, I felt stupid, but his expression didn't show one ounce of disgust at my ineptitude. Brody Vincent was clearly me! As soon as I pinched my own nipples, I whimpered, but it wasn't from pain. It was like there were invisible strings going from my nipples to my body below. Pinch my nipples and the strings tug deliciously on my lower lady parts.

Brody's voice had gone hoarse, when he said, "Good, now, leave one hand on your breasts and stick your other hand inside your shorts, under your panties. I want you to touch yourself without a clothing barrier. I want to watch you burst apart with your first orgasm." Again, I blindly followed his instructions. With my hand inside my pants now, he encouraged, "Rub yourself, Lexi. Find a spot that feels good."

I gasped, as soon as I found "the" spot. Brody mumbled words of encouragement, but I barely heard him. A roaring sound, in my brain, drowned out everything else. I increased the speed of my hand, while my other hand gripped Brody's shoulder, having abandoned my breast. Brody took over where I left off, pinching my nipples. When he lowered his head, taking one in his mouth again, I suddenly bucked my hips as the whole world seemed to explode. I'd never felt anything like it and I had a sneaky suspicion I could become addicted. As soon as I returned back down to earth, however, embarrassment settled in.

Brody cupped my face, "Don't you dare be embarrassed by what just happened. You are the sexiest thing I've ever seen. I cannot wait until you make those noises while I'm deep inside of you."

"Presumptuous much?" I asked, but with no heat behind it. I was too sated.

Brody grinned, "Baby, it's only been a couple days since we started hanging out and I've already assisted you with your first orgasm, I'm pretty sure I'm right when I say you and I are going to fuck like rabbits someday. In the meantime, you better think of me when you touch yourself tonight, because I know you will touch yourself. You might want to keep a pillow handy, to catch your screams, though, otherwise your brother will hear you."

I groaned in embarrassment and tried to bury my face against his neck. He wouldn't let me, however, and soon we were kissing like crazy. I realized in that moment that Brody was absolutely correct. I wanted him. I wanted all of him. I'd already admitted it to myself and I knew it was only a matter of time before I would admit it to him. I wanted to strip our clothes off right then and fuck like rabbits, as he had so eloquently put it. He said he wanted to take things slow, but, for the first time in my life, I wanted to jump before I looked where I was going. Oh boy, I was in trouble.

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