Part 1 - 4

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Lexi was quiet during dinner, but to be fair, so was I. When Dad pulled me into his office, he gave me the ultimatum I was expecting. I was to break up with Lexi or he'd take my car, my allowance, you name it. Considering Lexi and I weren't even really dating, it should have been a no brainer. Then why had I taken my car keys out of my pocket and tossed them onto my father's desk, before walking back out? I'd found Cammy and Lexi having a civil conversation, which made me happy, for some reason.

Now, we were sitting through a very hostile dinner. Nobody was talking, but the silence spoke volumes. I was still reeling from the feeling of Lexi on my lap, from the taste of her lips, from the way she instantly responded to me, before we were interrupted. I know the original plan was to get caught, but I'd ended up being pretty pissed to be interrupted. I wanted to continue what we started, which is why I hadn't even held her hand since. Lexi Green wasn't my type. Her hair was purple for Christ sake, but deep down I knew it wasn't that. It wasn't the piercings or the tattoos. She had a sun on one arm and the moon the other. It wasn't her clothes or her personality. I was freaking out because I was attracted to someone who spoke to me on a whole other level and I didn't mean in a literal sense. I mean, yes, she didn't take my shit and I liked that about her. What I mean is, that while kissing her I felt more connected to her than I had anyone else...ever.

"So..." My mother started, eyes darting around the table and I stiffened, as she continued, "Tell us about yourself, Lexi."

"Uh, well..." Lexi glanced at me, questioningly. We hadn't prepared for this, so I knew she was asking if she should tell the truth or not. When I didn't give her any kind of sign as what to do, she faced my mother again, "My dad took off when I was a baby, so I never knew him. My oldest brother says I'm not missing anything. My mom...wasn't the best mother after that. My two older brothers tell me that she was a good mom, at times, before dad left. She became neglectful and then started using drugs, after that. She died of an overdose when I was twelve and my oldest brother, Lucas finished raising me. My other brother Lance dropped out of high school after mom died and hasn't done much with his life since. He sits in the basement all the time playing stupid video games and drinking alcohol."

When Lexi fell silent, Cammy snorted, "Mom asked about you. Not your family. Tell us about you."

Lexi blushed, "Well, Brody and I graduate in a couple of months. I've been accepted to Brown."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw dad glance up for the first time. When I faced him, he was studying Lexi, as if reevaluating her. I didn't like the way he was looking at her, so I reached over and took her hand in mine, as I leaned close to her, telling her, loud enough for everyone to hear, "My Lexi is smart and sexy. She's the whole package."

As Lexi blushed, I held her gaze and tried to remind myself that this was all for show. We were just pretending. The problem is, I was truly starting to realize just how sexy Lexi Green was. She literally had brains and beauty. I'd only ever cared about the latter, but I was beginning to wonder if I'd been going about this all wrong. I've been around the block a time or two and I had to admit, it wasn't as satisfying as I thought it'd be. What would it be like to be in a real relationship for a change? I'd had friends who have had official girlfriends over the years and they always seemed so happy while things were good, but then were devastated when things went south. So I'd steered clear of anything serious.

"Alright, cut the crap." Ron, my sister's usually quiet and calculating husband stated.

I glared at him, "What are you talking about?"

Ron smirked, "I know you're not really dating this girl. I've seen the girls you go for and trust me when I say, this girl isn't your type. You've brought her here for shock value. Well, I'm over the theatrics. I'm trying to eat here and your immaturity is ruining my appetite. When are you going to grow up, Brody?"

I stood up, slowly, and leaned over the table toward my victim, "You know what, Ron? I'd watch what you say to me. I have a long memory. If I actually cave and let dad talk me into taking over for him some day, you'll be the first thing I toss in the trash. You'll be out of a job quicker than I can blink. Let's go, Lexi."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her outside. It wasn't until the cool air hit me that I remembered, we couldn't go anywhere, because I'd given dad my car keys. Lexi stood beside me, stiffly, "You ok?"

I took a deep breath, "No, but it's whatever. I can't drive you home. Dad gave me an ultimatum. I either dump you or I lose all privileges, which includes my car. He now has my keys."

Lexi sucked in her breath, "Go in there and tell them that you dumped me. You can't give up your car for me. We're not even really dating, Brody."

I shook my head, "I'm not backing down."

Lexi huffed and placed a call, before re-pocketing her phone, "My brother is coming to pick me up."

I nodded, grinning, "That was a hell of story you told about your family. Good job. Good show."

"Uh, thanks, but it was the truth."

I lost my grin, "Shit, Lexi, I'm sorry."

She shook her head, "Like you said, it's whatever."

"Lex..." I whisper and when she turned to face me, I couldn't stop myself. I cupped her face and placed my lips on hers. This kiss was softer than what I'd given her earlier. I tried to pour all of my wayward thoughts into this kiss. I was so twisted up where she was concerned and I wasn't exactly sure how it happened. Lexi Green had gotten under my skin and I didn't know if I wanted to get her out.

I wasn't sure how long we'd stood on my front porch, making out, but when headlights shined over us, Lexi pulled back, gasping. She glanced behind me and looked at her feet, "I don't think they're watching anymore."

I glanced behind me in time to see the curtains, in the front window, fall back into place. I closed my eyes. Lexi thought I'd kissed her for show, but I hadn't even known anyone was watching. By the time I turned back to face her, she was walking toward the car that had pulled in. She waved, "Uh, I'll see you at school. You can bring my hoody to school tomorrow. I'm not going back in there to get it."

Before I could form a response, she was gone.

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