Part 2 - 31

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We finally held a small burial service, for Lance. While I had been unconscious, after falling out of that stupid window, Lance had appeared by my side and had scoffed at the situation I'd gotten myself into. I smiled, now, thinking about it. I didn't really believe in ghosts, but Lance had seemed so real when he'd smirked at me and said, "And you thought I talked you into a bunch of stupid shit when we were kids. At least I never had you falling out of windows, onto your head."

Lance had stayed with me, as I was in and out of consciousness, waiting for the ambulance to arrive. He'd made jokes and I'd been laughing, hysterically when help finally arrived. It was Lance who first told me I was pregnant. Just before I regained consciousness for the final time, he'd grinned at me and said, "I'm glad you figured things out with Brody. I was an asshole, but he isn't. He'll take care of you and give you a good life. You make sure to spoil that nephew of mine. I love you, Lexi." Then he was gone, I woke up, and the doctor told me I was expecting a baby.

After learning Lance had also spoken to Brody, expressing his blessing to both of us, I knew it was time to finally do something with his ashes. So Lucas had made arrangements with the cemetery. We'd purchased a plot and ordered a headstone. As soon as his stone arrived, we all met up at the cemetery. I stood, with my hand in Brody's, across from Lucas, Leslie, and Landry. Cammy and the boys came, as well, because they said they wanted to support me, which had made me cry. Damned, pregnancy hormones.

We spent over an hour with Lucas and me taking turns, telling stories about Lance. In the end we were all wiping tears of either mourning or laughter, after a particularly funny story. As we were all heading for our vehicles, to leave, Brody said, "Wait...everyone, please."

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

He smiled at me, reassuringly, and said, "I just think that it's time. Lexi, I know we've been too busy to discuss details, but I told you I want to get married before our baby arrives. I want to do it today."

"Today?" I blinked.

Brody nodded, eagerly, "Yes, today. I just figure..." He put his hands up, motioning around the cemetery, "It's the circle of life. We all will leave this world one day, but while we're here, most of us, get married and have babies. We've buried your brother's ashes today and instead of making it a day of remembered sadness, let's celebrate by getting married. Lance would love the idea, I just know it."

I blinked, "Brody, we haven't planned anything. I don't even have a dress. I don't care about a big ceremony, but I at least want a dress."

Brody grinned, "Give me a couple hours and I'll have everything sorted. You won't have to lift a finger. Do you trust me?"

"Yes." I tell him, without hesitation.

"Good, then do you want to marry me today?"

"Yes." I tell him with a smile.

"Good." He then kissed me deeply, in front of our family, and all the bodies buried at the cemetery. When he lifted his head a moment later, he cupped my face, "Cammy will take you home. I'll see you all at City Hall in two hours."

Brody was gone before I could fully process what I'd agreed to. Cammy shook her head, "My brother, I swear. He is something else. Well, let's get you home."

I expected Cammy to drop me off, but she didn't. The boys went straight to Brody's game room and Cammy bustled me upstairs. Leslie showed up, as well. We then spent the next hour doing hair and makeup. When the doorbell rang, Cammy went to answer it, and brought back a package. Slowly, cautiously, I opened it and gasped. Cammy and Leslie then helped me hold up the most gorgeous dress I'd ever seen. The three of us stared at it, in awe.

"Damn, my little brother has good taste." Cammy whistled.

Leslie nodded in agreement and I said, "Holy shit, if I wasn't already in love with him, I would have fallen during this moment. He's off planning a last minute wedding and even sent me a dress!"

"And shoes." Leslie added, pulling shoes out of the bottom of the box. They were white and silver, strappy stiletto heeled sandals. They were, easily, the most gorgeous shoes I'd ever seen. I could just imagine the sexy comments Brody would have to say about those. Brody Vincent had a thing for stiletto heels.

The girls then helped me get into the dress and I now stood, in front of the mirror, admiring my soon-to-be-husband's taste. He'd done a damned good job. The satin fit me like a glove. It wasn't a poufy disaster of white tulle like some wedding dresses I'd seen. This dress was the perfect mixture of classy and sexy, with a neckline just this side of decent. As I stared at my reflection I tried to imagine how different life would have been if we hadn't spent those six years apart. Would we already be married? Would I have had a dress this gorgeous? Would Brody still have gone out of his way to make this day special, like he was?

On impulse, I suddenly said, "Help me take this dress back off."

Leslie's eyes widened and Cammy appeared panicked, as she asked, "You're not changing your mind, right?"

I shook my head, "No, but I have to do something and I don't want to ruin my dress."

As soon as I was free of the dress, I wrapped myself into a robe and went to the kitchen, digging into the cupboards. A few minutes later, I was back upstairs with several boxes of grape Kool-Aid. Leslie and Cammy were staring at me, like I'd lost my mind. Leslie asked, "Uh, thirsty?"

I laughed, "No, I'm going to dye my hair purple. I don't have time to go to a salon and have it professionally done, but I'll settle for a temporary look. I don't think I'd want to go permanent anyway. I'm used to my hair being blond again, but I think Brody will like my surprise today. I know we just spent all of that time curling it, but I have to do this."

The girls didn't appear convinced, but they helped me anyway. When finished, we dried my hair and added just enough curls to make my straight hair not appear so drab, because we were now pressed for a time. Fifteen minutes later, I was delivered to City Hall, where we met Lucas and Landry in the lobby. I glanced around for my intended groom, so Lucas explained, "He's tying up some last minute details, but he is in the building. So purple hair, huh?"

I grinned, without comment. A frazzled secretary appeared and announced it was our turn. I still didn't know where Brody was, but figured he would arrive in time. I trusted him, completely. Everyone else stepped into the room first, to take their seats. I stood in the hallway, alone, and took a deep breath, thinking about my life so far. I'd fallen in love, at the tender age of eighteen, to the boy I was about to marry. He'd cracked my heart, but had done a marvelous job of mending it and I knew he'd never so much as bruise it again. With a grin and love in my eyes, I entered that room. Brody stood at the front, with a judge ready and waiting. His eyes took me in, slowly and thoroughly, making promises that I knew he'd keep for the rest of our lives.

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