Part 1 - 3

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Cammy and her family hadn't arrived yet, when we got to Brody's house. I'd always admired the Vincent house. It was the biggest one in town and was situated on top of the hill, looking over the rest of the town. It was a big, three story house, with seven bedrooms and five bathrooms. A pool was in the backyard and a gate surrounded the whole property. I kind of felt like I was visiting the Whitehouse or something.

Brody's mother was in the kitchen bossing around another woman, when we walked in with my hand in Brody's. Brody stiffened as his mother's eyes landed on us and I found myself squeezing his hand, in a reassuring manner. He relaxed some and said, "Yo, mom, this is Lexi. My girlfriend."

It felt weird for him to say that, but I didn't have time to dwell on that feeling, because his mother burst out laughing and said, "Oh Brody, you're such a jokester."

I stiffened and this time, Brody squeezed my hand reassuringly as he gritted his teeth and lied, "I'm not joking."

It was his mother's turn to stiffen. I thought she was going to flip her cork, but she suddenly straightened and ran her hands down her dress, smoothing out the invisible wrinkles. Then that fake smile Brody had mentioned came out and she said, "I'm sorry. Forgive me, dear. My name is Valerie Vincent."

"Uh...Lexi Green." I tell her and shake the hand she offered.

Her fake smile held firm as she said, "Supper won't be ready for another hour or so. Your sister should be here shortly. You kids can go watch television or something."

Brody pulled me out of the kitchen without another word and we entered the most pristine looking living room I'd ever seen. There was no television, so I glanced at Brody confused. He simply sat down on the fancy loveseat and yanked on my hand. I fell against him, half laying in his lap. I glanced up and hissed, "What are you doing?"

Brody explained, while his eyes were glued to my mouth, "Well, I would take you downstairs and watch TV as mom suggested, but that won't serve any purpose, because I'm the only one that goes down there. So we're going to get to know each other right here. We should be interrupted shortly and I want you panting for me when that happens."

I glared, "That is—"

And that is all I got out, before Brody lowered his head and took possession of my lips. I'd only ever kissed one other boy and it was nothing like this. Brody devoured my mouth. He suddenly grabbed me and positioned me, so I was straddling him, which made me gasp. He took full advantage of my parted lips and plunged his tongue between them, to tangle with mine. Shit, I felt myself losing control of this situation.

Brody suddenly tore his mouth from mine and tried to kiss down my neck, but heavy cotton material got in his way. He grunted, "Hoody. Off. Now."

I opened my mouth to protest, but he was yanking on my hoody and the hunger in his eyes had me complying with his demands. He sucked in a breath as soon as he tossed my hoody aside. I knew what he was seeing. I hadn't mentioned to him, earlier, what I was wearing underneath my hoody, figuring my revealing shirt would just add to Brody's cause. Now, however, with his eyes roaming over my thin white tank top, with my purple bra clearly visible underneath, I was rethinking things. Nobody was supposed to see me like this, as I usually wore my hoody all day.

"Holy fuck, Lexi." He growled and was suddenly devouring my mouth again. I heard a mewling noise and realized it was coming from the back of my throat, as I wiggled forward on his lap seeking relief from this sudden ache he'd caused.

A throat cleared, making me gasp and tear my mouth from Brody. I wrenched away from him so fast, I caught him off guard, so he was no help as I suddenly fell off his lap and landed, hard, on my backside. I sat there, staring up at an angry man who could only be one person. Brody's father was home and he wasn't happy with what he just witnessed. I glanced, frantically, at Brody and caught him adjusting the front of his pants before standing and helping me to my feet. Then, hand-in-hand, we faced the man of the house.

"Dad." Brody said, by way of greeting.

"Brody." The older man practically growled. He gritted his teeth the same way I'd seen Brody do, as he continued, "Your mother said that you brought a guest."

Brody chuckled, "You guys told me to bring my girlfriend for dinner, so I did."

"May I see you in my office?" His dad demanded and walked out of the room.

Brody hollered, saying sarcastically, "I'll make the introductions. Dad, this is Lexi Green. Lexi the rude man who just left the room without acknowledging you was my father, Martin Vincent."

"Brody!" Martin hollered.

Brody sighed and then winked at me, "Be right back."

Brody had barely left the room when a woman walked in. She looked me up and down, before smirking, "Brody is good, but our parents are better. He brought you here to piss them off, so don't start thinking you mean anything to him. It was a decent plan, on Brody's part, but Dad will just tighten the reigns after this little stunt."

I sighed, trying not to feel hurt by her truthful words, "Cammy, I presume?"

Her eyes widened, "Huh, maybe I've misjudged you if you actually know my name."

Feeling a little smug, even if it was out of place, I nodded, "And your husband's name is Ron. You have two boys Ron Jr. and Ricky."

Cammy blinked before saying, "Well, well, well, I misjudged you indeed. Cammy Vincent-Montgomery, sorry for the bitchy attitude."

"Lexi Green and don't worry about it. Brody warned me to expect bitchy attitude in this house, although I have to admit, I wasn't expecting it from you. When he talked about you, the bitterness wasn't present in his tone, like when he talked about his parents." I tell her, bluntly.

She smiled and this time, there was no malice behind it. "I like you, Lexi. I hope you and Brody actually last."

I thought about telling her the truth. That Brody and I were just pretending. I had no expectations beyond that. I couldn't bring myself to do it, however. Kissing Brody a moment ago felt too real to deny. I know I was probably being stupid and I was doing exactly what I promised myself I wouldn't do. I wouldn't fall for the charade.

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