Part 1 - 10

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Shit, what the hell was I doing? My parents were having a party and I was going to use it as an excuse to spend time with Lexi Green. I knew I could make some excuses if my parents asked why my "girlfriend" wasn't at the party, but I didn't want to make excuses. I wanted Lexi there. So that's how I found myself outside her house, at eight o'clock Saturday night. I was hoping I'd see her in the stands, at the basketball game, last night. She'd basically admitted to coming to watch me play, the week before, so I foolishly hoped she'd come again. We'd won by a land slide, but for some reason the rush that I usually felt after a win, hadn't been as intense last night. I'm going to assume, it was because I'd been so preoccupied with Lexi. After literally running out of my house last week, she'd started avoiding me again.

"Are you going to stand there all night or are you going to knock?" A guy came up the sidewalk behind me, briefcase in hand.

"I, uh..." I looked him over and realized this was one of Lexi's brother's. They had the same eyes, which could and would cut right through any bullshit. Going on instinct, I held out my hand, "Brody Vincent."

After a short pause, he took my hand, shaking it, "Lucas Green. So you're the one who was making out with my baby sister a couple weeks ago, when I picked her up from that big house on the hill?"

"Uh, yea." I forced a chuckle, even though he had made me nervous.

"So what's a rich boy like you doing sniffing around my sister?"

Lucas Green didn't pull his punches, I was quickly learning. I sighed, "Honestly, I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm in unchartered territory where Lexi is concerned."

Lucas nodded, "Well, are you coming in or did you want to stand out here all night?"

I followed him inside, where another guy was sitting in a sea of papers, with his hair a mess. He looked like he had literally tried to pull his hair out and...was he sweating? He glanced up and his eyes zeroed in on me, asking, "Who is this?"

"Lexi's boyfriend." Lucas snorted. I didn't correct him.

Lance narrowed his eyes at me, "Boyfriend, huh? I didn't know she had a boyfriend. She's been crushing on some basketball stud. You him?"

"Uh?" Was I? I didn't like to think of Lexi crushing on anybody else and I played basketball, so I was hoping it was me.

Lucas chuckled, "Brody Vincent, meet Lance Green, Lexi's other brother. Lance is just home visiting. He's been in rehab. Alcohol problem. So he's pretty cranky these days, so I wouldn't do anything to piss him off." I knew Lucas was giving me this information as an intimidation factor.

"I was able to come home, from rehab, for a visit because of my good, motivated behavior, asshole. Don't make a joke about it." Lance growled and Lucas clearly felt bad, but all was apparently forgiven as Lance addressed me again, "Brody Vincent? Seriously? What the fuck is Lexi doing dating a rich boy?"

"Hey Lance, have you seen my...Brody?" Lexi stepped into the room, looking more gorgeous than I ever remember seeing her. She'd swept her purple hair up into a messy pony tail and she had no makeup on her face. She wore a pale yellow t-shirt and dark gray sweatpants. Her feet were bare and I could see that her toenails were painted purple. What was with this girl and purple?

"Hey Lex..."

She blushed and studied her toes for a moment, before asking, "What are you doing here?"

I glanced at her brothers nervously, before saying, "My parents are having a party. It's already in full swing. Sorry for the late notice, but I wanted to know if you'd like to attend?"

"So formal." Lance snorted.

"A party?" She said and looked down at herself.

I could guess where her mind was at, so I told her, with a smile, "I don't care what you wear. You can wear that, if you want."

She chuckled, "Um, no. I'll go change. Give me a minute." She started back down the hall, but stopped, "How did you get here?"

I smirked, "I stole my keys back while my dad was busy with party preparations."

She smiled and disappeared down the hall. I found myself smiling, anticipating spending the evening with her. Lucas, apparently caught my grin, because he suddenly said, "You're going to keep it in your pants, Vincent. That's my baby sister."

I sighed. Crap. I hadn't intended to make enemies out of Lexi's brothers tonight, but I wasn't going to lie to them. So I said, "Look, I like her. I'm pretty surprised by it. She's not my usual type, but the more time I spend with her, the more I like her. I know that you, Lucas, finished raising her and I know because of that you're going to be the protective older brother and also the overprotective parent. I don't want you to think I'm a piece of shit, but I'm telling you right now, there is no way I'm keeping my hands to myself with that girl. I can't. I crave her. However, I can promise that I'll never force her to do anything she doesn't want to do and I'll never rush her into anything. That I can promise."

"Why you slick motherfucker." Lance growled.

Lucas, however, held up his hand, stopping whatever else his brother was about to say. I tried to stand tall, as Lexi's oldest brother got into my space. He spoke, barely above a whispered, "Look, Vincent, I'm not going to pretend to be ok with you dating my sister. I don't know you, but I've heard stories. I don't like the idea of my sister being subjected to your cold-hearted family either. However, Lexi is eighteen and I know better than to forbid her to see you. If I did, she'd just see you to spite me. So I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Treat her right and we won't have a problem. You fuck her over and I don't care who your daddy is. I will fuck you up. Are we clear?"

I nodded, "Crystal."

"Great." Lucas said, smirking, and smacked me on the arm in a compadre fashion, but hit harder than necessary.

"Everything ok?" Lexi asked, rejoining us. She'd fixed her hair into a more controlled ponytail and I instantly missed the messy bun she'd had when I arrived. I didn't have time to mourn it, however, because my eyes took a walk. They traveled down her body, taking in this new look. She wore a sparkly black top, with a black leather jacket over it. On her legs were purple leggings and the knee-high black, fuck-me boots on her feet were making it hard for me to breath.

Lucas cleared his throat in a threatening fashion and I forced my eyes back to her face, where she'd worn a lighter layer of eye makeup than normal. I smiled and said, "Everything is great."

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