Part 1 - 8

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After slaughtering our opponent on the court Friday night, I'd been ready to party. Then I arrived at the party and it all seemed so...mundane. I realized, in that moment, that I might actually be maturing. I was kind of over the party scene. Half-naked girls being chased by horny guys. Drinking ourselves into oblivion, to the point where we barely remembered everything we did the next day. None of that was healthy, especially for teenagers. So I ended up drinking a couple beers with my friends, ignored any come-hither looks sent my way, and called an Uber a couple hours later.

I turned off my cell phone all weekend, not wanting to hear crap from my friends for punking-out early. I was surprised dad hadn't taken my cell phone from me, since he was "taking away all my privileges" especially after the attitude I threw with Ben Hudson and his daughter the other day. If dad didn't think to take away my phone, then I sure as hell wasn't going to remind him. I'd already pretty much volunteered to give up my car and it was killing me. I was used to have wheels under me. I was used to coming and going when I wanted. I hated having to rely on friends to get me where I needed to be, especially with the way Tyson was grilling me now, as he pulled into the parking lot at school, bright and early Monday morning.

"Is it that girl? Are you that hung up on her? I mean there was so much pussy available at that party and you didn't even partake in any nibbles, let alone the whole buffet. Are you sick?" Tyson asked, half-serious.

I sighed. This is why I hadn't answered my phone all weekend. It was these kinds of questions that I didn't need, because for starters, I didn't know how to answer them. "Look, Ty, I don't know what's going on with me. I'm pissed at my dad, for more than one reason. My mother disgusts me. She's either being completely fake in front of an audience or bitching me out in private. I used to be able to talk to my sister freely, but not since she married her fuck-wad husband. My family is a mess and everything else just feels all weird now too. The party didn't feel right. I didn't feel the usual rush that I used to. It all just seemed so...tired."

Tyson let my words sink in before he declared, "You're definitely sick. Or maybe you're a pod person that took over Brody's body."

I chuckled. Tyson Gnome hardly ever took anything seriously. I should have known having this conversation with him wasn't going to go anywhere. Shaking my head, I exited the car. Tyson also exited, but he headed over to a group of girls, while I headed inside. I saw Lexi at her locker and instantly headed her way, excepting words of greeting and claps on the back, from my fellow classmates, on my way over.

"Lexi." I say and she suddenly whirled around. She would have fallen, but I caught her arms, steadying her. I wanted to continue what we'd started last week. I'd barely begun exploring her mouth when my dad had interrupted us. Then we'd kissed on the porch and I hadn't been trying to put on a show for anyone then, but she thought I was.

"Brody, uh, hey." She said, nervously and straightened, taking a step back and forcing me to drop my hands or look like an idiot.

"You've been avoiding me." I accuse.

"What? No, I've just been busy." She says, clearly lying, as she won't meet my eyes.

"Bullshit, look I know it had something to do with Amber Pennington. Before that bitch walked up, things had been fine. Amber doesn't mean anything to me. I'd known better than to get mixed up with her in the first place, but she'd caught me in a weak moment, at a party, a month or so ago. I was drunk and she literally threw herself at me. I'm a horny eighteen year old. Like I was going to say no? So I ended up having sex with her that night and have regretted it ever since. She comes onto me all of the time now and is having difficulty taking no for an answer. I'm done being nice about it though. I didn't lie to her or promise her anything. So if her feelings were hurt, then that's on her."

Lexi winced, "Uh, it's not business."

Going on impulse I ask, "So, are you too busy to tutor me?"

"Tutor you? In what?" She asked, blinking in confusion.

"Uh, Chemistry. I'm just not getting it and I don't want to fail. I have to graduate, so I can get the hell out of here." I spoke the half-truth so easily. I do want to get the hell out of here, but I'm not struggling in Chemistry. I'm actually smarter than a lot of people give me credit for. I just need an excuse to hang out with her. I almost snorted at that thought. I've practically had to fight girls off me before and I'm having to resort to lying in order to hang out with this one. Ironically, Lexi was currently the only girl that I actually wanted to hang out with.

She narrowed her eyes at me, "So what? I come over tonight and we make a show of studying, but then somehow I end up in your lap with your tongue down my throat."

I coughed, not disliking the image her words painted. "Uh, well, that hadn't really been my plan, but I suppose it if helps to piss off my folks, then that would just be a cherry on top."

She narrowed her eyes at me and I figured I shouldn't have said that last part. I actually didn't give a damn about using her to piss off my parents anymore. Finally she nodded, "Fine, but you're not paying me again. One hundred dollars just for one dinner was a bit much and I still feel guilty taking it."

I smiled, "Good because dad cut off my allowance so I can't pay you anymore anyway."

Her eyes widened, "Brody, let me give you your money back."

I caught her hand, as she reached for her backpack, "No, you keep it. Earn it by tutoring me. I've got to get to class now, but I'll see you later. Uh, how do you get to school? I don't have my car."

"I've got my brother's car."

"Ok, I'll meet you in the parking lot after school then."

"Ok." She said and then walked away. I might have stood there, watching her go and I might have ignored anyone who tried to engage me in conversation, until Lexi Green rounded the corner out of my sight.

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