On Our Way To Camp

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Hey guys how was my latest chapter. I really love the way that this plot is going.

Fransico's POV

"Hazel Grace you need to hurry up unless we're gonna be late!". I yelled from my room window.

She had went to the bathroom to get dressed because today we were going to  camp which our school was having for the seniors so dad was gonna drive us to school. Which is going to be fun.................. . Just imagine being in a car with a father like mine and a girl that wants to fake date you. Mmmm so much fun.

I had packed a small bag with my personal stuff like clothes, shoes, hair supply, tooth brush, tooth paste, soap, a cover, towel, and last but not least, condoms. Never no when shit might get real.

"Hazel Grace! ". I yelled again

" What??? I'm almost done! ". She shouted pulling the curtain away which she had drown to keep my eyes from seeing what she claims I'm not to see which i got a glimpse of once.

Mm good times.

Her hair  a as in a pony tail and she wore a silky blouse with a black shorts. It was okay i guess, i told her what to wear, she now has to dress to keep up with my reputation but not wear garments like a slut though.

But i had to help her pick something to wear because she practically screamed at me when i was ignoring her call just for me to tell her what to wear.


Thank god i had no sister


"Why did you bring your entire room?". Dad asked as he put her suit case inside the back of the car.

"Its not my entire room, i left half my stuff on the bed because the bag was too small for everything". She says opening the car door.

"Shut up, you call a suit case a small bag, what world did you come from?". Dad says looking at her as he sat in the front seat. Yeah she took over my life. Well my father wanted to ask questions and i thought it was a sign of respect for her as the only girl go be in the front seat. So not really my life. That's sounds so messed up in all ways. MY LIFE, your kidding, never..................

I choose the back because , from where i sat i could see full view of her boobs.

~~~~~~~(evil smile) ~~~~~~~ I'm a dick i know. I have one too

"Am earth, don't blame me, blame him, he said i should bring whatever i want". She says pointing her thump at me.

"I didn't say you were to bring your entire freaking room ". I protested.

" Puh...... Lease, dude you wanted me to, you practically picked out my clothes ". She says and dad looked at me weird.

" You did what?".

"She forced me to ". I said defending my honour.

" Son i taught you better than that, you don't pick out clothes for women, you just tell them that she can walk around naked, if not, this will be the out come ". He says.

" Thanks teacher". I said to him from the back.

"Don't say thanks to anyone, you know that". He says


"Hello i can hear that ". Hazel says

" And, who cares?". Dad says.

"Am me". She says

"And who are you, oh wait, i don't care ". Dad says like a teenager.

" Good one father ". I chuckled giving him a high five.

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