Who The Fuck Are You

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Hey guys how was the last chapter???
Don't tell me.

So there is some people who i know really well who threatened to kill me if i didn't update at least a chapter, so i am going to do so, but you wont like the ending and maybe you guys will try to kill me again. But i love you guys.

Thanks for the support

Hazel's POV

Lips crash against mine and i froze on the spot. They were soft and welcoming but i pushed him away when i remembered who i was kissing.

"Francis!". I said in shock. He looked at me as if trying to read my expression and figure out what he just did.


"j....just stop okay, what are you doing?". I said looking up to meet his eyes.

"I........ I ".

" I..... I what huh is this some kind of game, first Ryan now you, what is wrong with you guys?".

"Look i can explain? ".

" You know what explain this, the night i lashed out on you and you wrote two words on a piece of paper saying you were sorry, what did you mean?".

"It means that i felt like an ass for pissing you off and for reminding you about your broken heart, its means that i was j..... Jealous of Ryan. It means that i was jealous of all the guys you spoke to other than me. It means that i....... I-"

"Pumpkin, what a surprise!". Someone said from behind.

I jumped in fright as i looked to see my.............  my long lost brother. I haven't seen him in years. But that doesn't mean i was happy to see him.

" What the fuck are you doing here? ". I asked him.  He might be older than i was but i don't give a fuck.

" I just want to apologize for-".

"Who the fuck are you?". Francis asked him cutting him off.

"I'm someone you don't want to know, so just back the fuck off". Andre hissed.

Francis stepped forward and i held him back. This was my fight.

"Don't you talk to him like that. And what do you possibly want to apologize for Andre, i hate you, you ruined my life, why did you even come back after all that you have done to me, isn't going to jail enough, isn't being put under house arrest enough, they said you were to stay the fuck away from me, so what the hell are you doing here! ". I screamed.  I shoved him in the chest and he dropped back in a staggered motion.

I bet he was drunk as usual.

" Pumpkin, please you know i love you, just please forgive me". He says getting back to his feet.

"Don't fucking call me that you conniving bitch. How can i forgive someone that raped me when i was 5 years old. If you didn't get caught, you wouldn't have stopped. But it did when i was 11 years old and  screaming for my life after you used a knife to carve your name on my leg, i hate you for all that you have done to me, and now you come for forgiveness, well your not gonna fucking get it from me so just get the fuck out of here!". I shouted.

Francis stood still at the door trying hard to figure out what was going on. Tears were now in my eyes as memories flood my mind.

*Flash back*

6 years ago

"Andre stop your hurting me!". I screamed from all the wires that were wrapped around my feet and arms.

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