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*Fetish (Selena Gomez) *

Hazel's POV

"What?. " I asked in shock.

" I said , i Fransico fucking Francis like you Annakaye Hazel............. ".

I cut him off from his sentence with a big pull towards me. I cant believe he actually said it. Over all his years of annoying me, he finally had the guts to say he likes me.

" Am...... I.......... I like........ Food." I said looking every where else but at him.

Xavier cleared his throat and i looked at him noticing he was pointing a finger at Francis.

I looked at him from the corner of my eye to see one of his sexy dashing smirks.

"You totally want me ". He says smiling.

" No i don't, don't get your hopes up." I to him breaking his bubble.

"Oh yes you do". He says grabbing me by the waist as he lift me off the ground.

"Francis! ". I said in shock." Put me down".

"Nope not until you say it back ". He says lifting me higher.

" Francis stop!".

"I haven't even started yet ".

" So what if you did, ha she would be screaming like mmm, ah, oh yeah, fuck it, fuckk!". I heard Xavier said while laughing.

I felt something sharp on my arm and i screamed earning chuckles from Francis.

"Its not funny, you bit me ".

" You want me to bite somewhere else?". He asked.

"Put me down ".

" Put you down on what?".

"On my two feet........ ". Before I could finish i was lowered and lips crash to mine again.

" Mmmm, you know you don't have to be so rough, you could just simply ask ". I said breaking from the kiss.

He paid no attention to what i said all he did was just stare at me.

" Really, i don't ask for what is mine ". He whispers.

" So your saying that i.......... ".

" Am yours, yes, now can i continue with my action". He says.

"Not so fast you cocky boy ". I found myself saying.

" I don't ever go slow ".

" Cant you say something that doesn't involve sex ".

" Well.....".

"Don't answer that ". I said pressing my lips to his.

" Damn, girl, you know the bed room is not that far away ".

" I've got condoms if you need any!". Jacob yelled after listening to our conversation.

"And your mom and i were just about to leave so the house will be empty ". Xavier says.

" I don't think I'm up for that ". I protested.

" Oh come on, when I'm with you all i get is wild thoughts ".

" Wild wild wild wild wild wild thoughts wild wild wild, when he's with you all he get is wild thought DJ Khalid ....... ". Xavier and Jacob sang as if they were back up.

" You know that pussy for me to take it, Anna Anna baby give it to me crazy". Francis say biting his lips as he squeeze my thighs.

" Ah, Okay ". I said to him.

" So that's a yes, I'm gonna get fucked tonight ".

" No your not gonna get that word ". I said ignoring the word.

" You know you want to say it, I'm not gonna get fucked tonight, say it".

"No ".

" Come on, Dad tell her that fuck isn't a bad word ".

" Oh, trust me its not, i even tell people to fuck off at work, its not a bad word i can say fuck in multiple sentences fuck is an educational word those fuckers don't use it at school but its found in the fucking dictionary, so i don't know why the fuck they say that fuck is a fucking bad word ". Xavier says.

" Wow, and i thought you were the responsible father for a second ". I said shaking my head.

" I am a fucking responsible father, i tell him to fuck girls but don't get them pregnant, fuck school, get good fucking grades and he get anything he wants, so of course i am a fucking responsible father ".

" Okay Dad, when your speaking to her don't be so fiery ". Francis says.

" Thanks, and fuck you ". I said to Xavier.

" Great now your talking baby". Jacob says cheering.

"Ah excuse you, i alone should call her that".

" Defensive much ".

" Fuck off". Francis says.


The cops started swarming around with taps and sirens. We stood around as they take the body away. The detective question Francis and i about what happened and in all his sentences fuck had to be included. At the end he told us it was self defence and i should have reported what Andre did a long time ago.


Fransico's POV

"Okay so Dad i don't give a fuck what you say, I'm going back to the hotel, and Hazel your coming with me ".

" What why? ". Hazel asked.

" You really want to know?". I asked her.

" I want to fucking know". Dad says.

"I'm gonna fuck her, got a problem with that?".

"Well no, just use a condom ".

" You got it". Francis says grabbing me by the arm.

We got in the car and i drove to the hotel.

Of course my room was still secured when we got there i went to the bathroom as Hazel did some crap with her hair.

To be continued

Hey guys how was this chapter

I loved it.

I love Fransico damn he's just so damn. Omg i wish he could be real.

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