Camp( Day Two)

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Hey guys so from my last update you would have saw that Fransico and Hazel are starting to get a little closer.

Annakaye's POV

After hours of canoeing, fishing and doing zumba fitness i was in the shower singing touch my body by Marey Carey

"🎶I know that you've been waiting for it I'm waiting too. In my imagination i'd be all up on you. I know you got that fever for me hundred and two and boy i know i feel the same my temperature's though the roof. If there's a camera up in here then its going to leave with me when i do, i do if there's a camera up in here then i'd best not catch this flick on You Tube, You Tube. Because if you run your mouth and brag about this secret rendezvous, i will hunt you down, because they be all up in my bidness like a Wendy Interview. But this private, between you and i. Touch my body, put my on the floor, wrestle me around play with me some more, touch my body throw me on the bed, i just want to make you feel like you never did touch - ".

" Oh my gosh, you can sing?". I hear Francis asked as i sang from the music on my phone in the bathroom.

"What the hell are you doing? ". I asked him covering myself with the shower curtain.

" You can sing? ". He asked again ignoring my question.

"No i cant get out!". I yelled at him.

"Not until you tell me the truth, i saw you singing". He said walking around like i wasn't completely naked behind this curtain.

"Francis this is a bathroom for Pete's sake, i am naked over here, you need to get out, this is private space ". I said to him.

" Wait, your naked and I'm standing here pretending that i don't what some of what you have and its obviously free behind those curtains". He says bragging about just the same. " Can i join? ". He finally asked.

"Oh yeah sure, because i am a hooker who is for free, get the fuck out of here! ". I screamed at him.

" Fine okay, I'm gone, but can i at least have a....... ".

" Out! ".

" Okay ". He says closing the door.

I cant believe him. He is so immature for his age then i was the one who got my self in this mess in the first place. I know he is a great guy but....... Wait what. Did i just say that Fransico Francis is a great guy.

Am i insane.

I came from the bathroom after showering and walked into my room with my clothes i had on before only to see Jace. He as sitting on his bed with his back to me and i ignore him and walk to my bag where i placed the dirty clothes and my towel.

I walk by him to leaving the room when he gripped my waist and dragged me to his lap.

I screamed at the sudden gesture as i tried to get away from him.

"Let me go!". I said screaming and wiggling from his grip.

"Oh, Kaye you never fail to amuse me with your little screams. What are you gonna do now huh, you have no one to come rescue you, its just you and i, all that i have been waiting for ". He says, before i could scream again his lips were attached to mine.

The same lips that kissed my sister and so many other girl.

" Ew disgusting! ". I said slapping his face away.

" Oh so your the rough type ". He says throwing me onto his bed as he hovers over me.

" Get off of me, Francis! ". I screamed.

Jace laughs as he placed his hand on my leg bringing me to him like his blanket.

" Francis! ". I screamed again kicking his hands away. Tears now roll down my eyes at the memory of seeing him on top of my little sister.

I cant believe i dated this ass.

I'm not going to be another one of his little whores he can just take advantage of. Its time for me to fight back. Its time for me to take revenge. I am not afraid anymore. I told myself as i grab a hold of the lamp shade from the night stand and connected it with his head.

He flew off the bed backwards and i jump into his chest.

"You piece a shit, you hurt me, you ruined my life, you ruined my sisters life, i hate you! ". I screamed while hitting him with each word as more tears streamed down my face.

I was pulled off him by strong arms as i looked at my messy hands that were covered in blood. Mrs Stewart and some other students crowded around Jace and I continued to cry as i noticed that Francis was the one who had held me.

He rubbed my head as my tears damp his shirt as he walk with me out side with Jacob, Ryan, Kevin and Liam as they looked at me with pain in their eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want us to put bullets in that mother fucker ". Jacob says holding onto the gun in his pocket.

Just by him saying that i cried even more.

Francis sat on a wooden bench and i sat next to him with my head on his shoulder.

I sniffle as i shift away from him remembering the way he is.

" You guys should probably be laughing at me right now ". I told them as they looked at me weird.

" Your crying why on earth would we laugh?". Liam asked.

"Yeah your ex boyfriend tried to get some sex from you and you knocked him the fuck out, why would we laugh?". Ryan says.

"Right, you should have killed that piece a shit, look at what he did". Jacob says pointing to my leg that was bruised since i was wearing shorts.

I touched it with my hand and i flinch at the after pain.

"You should get that looked at ". Was the words that came from Francis ever since we came outside.

" Its fine, ill be okay ". I told him

" No its not, its practically red cant you see, he hurt you Hazel, i should be burying his ass right now!". He says, his face was red and his body was hot as if on fire.

He was angry. But for what.

" You seriously angry, right now". I said with a slight laugh while shaking my head . "After you left the bathroom i came to my room and saw him, i ignored him and place my clothes in my bag when i was leaving he grabbed me to his lap!". I inform him with the raise of my voice.

" Why didn't you call me!". He yelled back.

"I did, i screamed for you, but you never came! ". I shouted as the tears come back to my eyes.

He was breathing heavily as he looked at me deep in the eyes. He didn't say anything else and just got up and walked away.

The guys helped me to rinse the blood from my hands as i sobber up a little.

This was all my fault.

Hey guys, so............... Thoughts tell me watcha yah think.

Mmmh what do you think is wrong with Fransico.

Why is he angry?????

Should Jace be dead?????

Do you think what Annakaye (Hazel) did was right?????

What do you think Fransico will do??????

Please vote and comment to let me know.,

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