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Sonic and Tails were flying in his plane, the "tornado" above the  ocean heading towards  the ship of Sonic's  old arch nemesis,Dr.Eggman, an evil scientist that has been trying to conquer the world for years. The plane was flying smoothly as  fire burst out of its thrusters making the plane go faster.
A few distances away in the air, Mario and Luigi were inside Mario's plane, similar to the tornado. It zoomed in the air at high speed to catch up with Sonic and Tails.

After flying for a bit, the four see a big round planet like ship with a statue like face of Dr.Eggman. The death egg.

The four heros glanced at the huge planet like spaceship built by Eggman years ago used to blow up a star causing a legendary robot to go out of control. Seeing this Gigantic ship again  brought back memories in Sonic's mind.

Beyond the windows of the battle ship was Dr.Eggman sitting on a chair looking at the heros with an evil grin.
He pushes a button as smaller doors of the ship open and flying  buzz bombers  started swarming towards the four.

"We have company."Sonic said seeing the badniks flying towards them.

The badniks started using their gun like stingers to shoot bullets at the two planes damaging them a little.

"Ok guys we need to destroy them in order to get further."Sonic said.

Sonic then leaps out of the plane and performs a fast homing attack on the badniks leaving a trail of black smoke. Mario tells Luigi to open a sack they brought and Luigi takes and hurls bob-ombs at the badniks causing them to explode. Sonic then jumped high after smashing a badnik allowing Tails to fly below him and landed back into the plane. 

Eggman after seeing his first approach failed presses another button as holes start coming out of the ship shooting missles at the heros.

Tails flipped a glass covering a button and pushes it as a mini machine gun emerges under the tornado and shoots the missles down causing a huge explosion.

The two planes advanced and finally get into the death egg. But in the hangers it was heavily guarded by eggpawns . Like always, it wasn't a problem for the blue blur and Red heroic plumber

Sonic dashed at great speed  creating a path for the group as eggpawns were sent flying in every direction. Mario and Luigi used numerous bros attacks to blow up the remaining robots. Soon they reach the top floor to confront the mad doctor.

" Ah! , you four are like insects, you just keep annoying me!!"Dr.Eggman said fustrated.

"You know I don't take vacations when you're busy causing havoc."Sonic said smugly.

"Metal Sonic!!"Eggman shouted as the elevator door opened from behind the four and Sonic's robotic doppelgänger came out of the elevator. Metal Sonic boosted towards Sonic smashing him against the ship's wall but was soon stopped by Mario's trusty ultra hammer. Mario grabbed Metal Sonic then threw him to the ceiling, before he could hit the floor Mario swang his hammer in a golf like motion with full power launching  the malfunctioning Metal Sonic back to the elevator as it closed.

"Uh oh" Eggman Exclaimed then enters his egg carrier then hovers to another room.

The four pursue him until they see a giant figure in front of them. It was Dr.Eggman in his  advance "egg hammer machine." But instead of one hammers equipped he had 3.

The doctor started moving the joysticks as 3 giant hammers descended on the four, Mario and Sonic sidestepped in opposite directions to dodge as Tails and Luigi did the same. Sonic performed a homing attack breaking the hammers while Mario and Luigi performed the  advanced splash bros; a fancy technique in which Mario leaps on top of Luigi then jumps twirling in the air then drops below Luigi as he  launches Mario into the air twirling again then falls on Eggman's machine like a drill damaging it seriously for Sonic to finish it with a strong homing attack and the machine falls apart as smoke comes out of it.

Eggman escapes to another room as the four chase him once again. They soon see another of his machines, a tank  which shoots bombs. It fired bomb rapidly making Mario and Sonic, Luigi and Tails to run around dodging them. Eggman soon Blasted them away, Sonic had enough and turned to Super Sonic using the ancient "chaos emeralds" he had.

Sonic boosted towards his machine drilling a hole into it as the machine exploded.

"Curse  you Sonic!!"Eggman scolded angrily as he moved to another room.

Sonic still in his Super form went further to end this. He enters a room that was completely white.

"Alright Eggman no more games."Sonic.

"Is that so?, I thought you were the fun one. Anyway you have fallen right into my trap."Dr.Eggman said with an evil tone.

"What trap?,Sonic said looking around, he then Levitates into the air, just to make sure it's not that trap he did some years ago which caused him to turn into a werehog.

Mario,Luigi and Tails come into the room afterwards but all of a sudden a rope was shot from the wall and tied them.

Sonic looked at them then back at Eggman."Why don't you just stop playing around and tell us your dumb plan already."

"Sorry but this one's a secret, and your are not coming between me and my and my glorious empire."Eggman said.

"Can something get between your bad breath and my nostrils?"Sonic insulted, fanning his hands in front of his nose.

"Make fun of me all you want, we'll see who gets the last laugh. I'll tell you what this room is."Eggman said as he went into a glass dome and press a button.

The door closed as the room started to glow light blue and Sonic was struck with electricity shocking him as all 7 emeralds ejected out of his body. Mechanic hands from the ceiling grab the emeralds and put them in individual pods which were connected to a machine as a huge gun comes from the wall next to Eggman.

"The whole room here is made of anti chaos energy which has some  properties that make the chaos emeralds to eject out of any being that has absorbed them. And what is this gun if you may ask?, it's not actually a gun but it's one of my inventions, the eggwarper 2.0.

Sonic now his normal self tried to get up but fell, the electricity really took a lot from him making him whozzy and tired.

Eggman started typing codes on the machine as lights in it were flashing." This machine is going to send you through time and space."The doctor explained." Sending you into another dimension.

"What?!" Tails Exclaimed while tied with the ropes around him.

"Mamamia!!"Mario also Exclaimed with ropes tied around him.

"You can't send us to another dimension!"Luigi said.

"Which law says I can't?"Eggman asked.

"The dimensional law you dimwit!"Luigi said.

"And who says I care?"Eggman said. He then presses a button as the gun charges up and blast a white beam of energy and passes through the four transporting them across time and space to another dimension. As the machine stopped, the four where nowhere to be found in the ship making Eggman Suprised and happy.

"At long last,They're GONE!!!"Eggman said throwing his arms up in joy. But something happened. The eggwarper 2.0 started shaking as electricity jolted out of it. It was malfunctioning and to Eggman's dismay the chaos emeralds vanished, warped to the dimension Sonic,Mario,Luigi and Tails went to.

"No!!, now I have to get the emeralds back,and figure out why my invention malfunctioned. Dr.Eggman then leaves to his lab in the death egg  to  learn about the problem.

A/N: that was a great chapter wasn't it?, what did you like and disliked about it. What do you think I should do to improve it? Feel free to ask in the comment section.

Now back to the story. I bet you're wondering where the four went to right? That question will be answered in the next act of this chapter.

Adventure of Mario & Sonic: Robotic ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now