Chapter 6 act 1: CYBER ELF FACTORY

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The gang after preparing were soon teleported to the cyber elf factory.
The gang took a look at the factory seeing the entrance covered with snow.

" this is the place?"Sonic asked looking around.

"Yup."Zero replied." Let's get moving!"

"You don't need to tell us that, we know." Sonic said.


The gang entered the factory, climbing the escalator taking them to higher grounds while taking out enemies and soon entered a long hallway packed with enemies. Sonic ran performing a homing attack to one  then runs up the wall and uses it to launch himself and perform and eagle kick to another robot  on the head knocking it away. Mario and Luigi ran the red plumber jumped over luigi for him to throw him serving as a boost sending Mario flying towards 3 robots that were in the way as Mario used both feet to launch the first one away as he back flipped and stomped on the other one and continued running leaving the last one for Luigi who whacked it away with his mallet.

The gang soon entered a room. The doors behind them and the one at the other end closed and automatically locked. There was a machine  mounted on the wall, it was light purple and grey with a red lens in the middle. It had four lids on each side of it.

One of the lids opened as numerous 'serpent gears' emerged from it and rolled toward the gang.

Zero dashed towards the line of serpent gears and sliced them in halves within the blink of an eye.

"We need to destroy those four compartments to destroy the machine." Zero said.

Sonic after hearing that performed a homing attack to one of the compartments. After doing a good amount of damaged to it the compartment blew up.

"1 down 3 more to go."

Megaman switched to Pirateman's ability recolouring him from blue to pink and black as he shot a lot of remote mines(explosives) from his megabuster and explode causing the other compartment to blow up. Mario and Luigi performed a bros attack; Mario slammed luigi to the ground sending him underground with only the top of his cap showing as luigi went towards the machine as Mario jumped and once he landed on Luigi's cap the green plumber sprang up shooting Mario into the air as he swung his hammer really fast continuously smacking one of the compartment of the machine and it blew up.

"One more to go." Megaman said.

Zero charged up for an attack dashed towards the last one and smashed it with a full powered slash with his Z-saber as the last compartment blew up and the entire machine exploded as the door at the far end opened.

"Let's go."

The gang continued to move and progressed through the area. They soon came across a hallway filled with broken pods and dark cyber elves flying around due to being woken up.
Some of them got inside uncompleted mechaniloids bringing them to life as they walked around the place.

The gang tan through the hallway destroying the robots until they came through a large door leading to the boss room.

The gang entered the room seeing a figure stand in front of them.

It was a cyan wolf reploid. It had pink  eyes, shards of ice on its wrist used as its main weapon. It was Fenri lunaedge.

"I've been expecting you Zero along with your puny friends. I though you guys were teared apart by my helpers, I was starting to get bored of all the waiting and here I rushed to get everything ready for you."

Zero looked at the wolf reploid with a serious face." Hmph...enough with your babbling and let's end this quick shall we?" Zero said.

"Alright, prepare to be destroyed. Lets  see if you're still the 'hero' around here."

The gang got into their fighting stances as the  blue wolf reploid did same.

Adventure of Mario & Sonic: Robotic ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now