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It was 7am at the resiatence base. Sonic woke up and went to Ciel's lab only to see Tails working on something.

"Hey Tails."Sonic greeted." Whatcha working on?"he asked.

"After asking permission from Ciel I made an emerald radar "Tails replied." I'm just adding the finishing touches.

"Ok, this will be useful when we're looking for the emeralds."

"I modified it using the technology here so it can detect an emerald over long distances over 20 km."Tails explained while making the necessary finishing touches to it." Now I'm done."

"That's great."Sonic replies happily. Let me wake up the bros and Megaman so we can start this emerald hunting.

"No need."Mario said coming in along with Luigi and Megaman.

"We're fully set and ready to go."Megaman said.

" Oh , you guys are awake."Ciel said as she came into the lab." I understand you're going to look for the remaining emeralds but since you don't know around here I wanted you to have this." She gives them each a communicator which is in the form of earphones. "With this I can stay in touch with you in case you come across any danger or obstacle.

"Ok, thanks."Sonic said.

"You're welcome bit before you go, I want you to meet someone who will be joining you on your quest."

"Who is it then ?"

"Ciel then leaves the lab and after a few seconds she comes back with a figure beside her, it wore a helmet with a  little white horn, black legs and arm and had a red armour with long blonde hair. It was Zero.

"Everybody, I'd like you to meet Zero."Ciel said as the five looked at him in amazement." He'll be helping you in your quest."

Note: this is a clone of him but with the original one's memories stored  in the chip Ciel found when she went to the crashed ragnarok ship ruins. He's called Zero MK II but he'll be called Zero.

"It nice meeting you guys."Zero said."Like she said I'll be assisting you.

"Ok, welcome aboard."Sonic said.

All of a sudden, the alarm went off as the room as red lights started flashing on and off.

"Warning!, the base is under attack!, please evacuate now!, this is not a drill, I repeat this is not a drill!!"

"The base is under attack?"Ciel asked Suprised.

"Guess there's trouble around here."Sonic said.

"We have to go to the front to protect the base."Zero said.

The six go in front of the base to see an army of pantheon robots.

"That's a lot of robots."Sonic said.

"They're a lot but we can take care of them."Zero said.

It's smashing time."Mario said as he and Luigi brought out their mallets and Megaman changed to crash man's ability.

The battle started. On the left side of the place Zero ran past the line of pantheons slashing and slicing them with his green triangular lightsaber  known as the Z-saber. Mario and Sonic watched in amazement as he sliced the robots into half within the blink of an eye as the pieces fell off quickly. A pantheon approached Mario but swung his hammer with heavy force launching it to hit several others to smash the wall. Sonic revved a spin dash as Luigi went behind him and hit him like a golf ball shooting him towards the other pantheons as they flew into the air.  Megaman at the center of the place punched, kicked and smash the other robots. He ran  and somersault over a pantheon placing crashman's bomb on its back. Megaman then shot more on the pantheons in the head causing a big explosion. Within a few minutes all the pantheons were destroyed.

"Looks like we saved the base."Sonic said.

"Thank you for saving the base."Ciel said as she came outside along with Tails." I never knew you guys could fight."

"Well it's one of the things we're awesome at."Sonic said scratching the back of his head.

All of a sudden,  a crashing noise was heard from the ceiling of the base and a blue object appeared and landed in front of the heros a few metres back. As the dust was clearing, footsteps were heard as a blue robotic leg emerge from the dust. As everyone took a closer look at the figure  as the dust cleared. Everyone except Zero and Ciel knew who it was.

 Everyone except Zero and Ciel knew who it was

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"Mecha Sonic!!!"Sonic said shocked.

"Hahaha.....hmm... Suprised to see me?" The powerful  blue robotic hedgehog said.

"How'd y-you get back?"Sonic said." Mario and I destroyed you.

"Hehehe....... that's because I'm from the future."

"Huh?!"Tails said.

"What?!"Sonic said in shock." Wait.....if we destroyed you in the past how are you in the future?" The blue blur asked.

"I'm from a different time line." Mecha Sonic simply answered." With special abilities." You're probably wondering how I got here.

"50 years in the future I went to Eggman's lab and activated his time portal that took me 50 years back so I can have my revenge on you because in the future you and Mario both achieved a form that surpassed me so the only way to get rid of you is to kill your past selves. I saw your feud  with Eggman on his ship and learned you got into this dimension so I followed you here without you knowing."


"I was planning on killing you now but lets put that on hold." Mecha Sonic said." I'll deal with you later once I get all 7 chaos emeralds."

"Hell  no, we'll deal with you right here right now!" Sonic said making a fist.

"Sonic, don't you think that's a bad idea?"Megaman asked.

"Yeah, shouldn't we think this through."Mario suggested.

"He's from the future!, we don't know what he's capable of."Tails said.

"Fine."Sonic finally said calming down and releasing all tension.

"Good choice."Mecha Sonic said."Glad you chose the long way, if you were to fight me now, you'd be dead. I'll see you weaklings later.

And with that said Mecha Sonic boosted into the air and took off leaving the heros to stare at him until he became a dot which soon vanished.

"We can't let him get the emeralds."Mario said.

"He gave us a headstart."Sonic said."Ok guys let's go.

And with that, everyone went to look for the remaining 6 emeralds.

To be continued.

Adventure of Mario & Sonic: Robotic ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now