Chapter 7 act 3: The search part 4

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Meanwhile, at a coast east of the city near the beach, Zero walks gracefully on the sand while he takes his time to look around. He stops walking and looks towards all directions and activates the radar. The radar pinpoints the location of the emerald being underwater but it also shows something coming straight at him fast. He raises his right eye brow when suddenly a beam sound getting close and louder is heard. He turns his head to the left as a plasma attack in a shape of a boomerang passes. He lifts his head as he hears an ostrich. The reploid comes at rapid speed straight at him but when it gets behind him, Zero turns around on his left towards his left in a 180° rotation and stands in his original posture as the reploid dashes on,missing Zero.The reploid
stops,turns and looks at Zero who doesn't look back. As the ostrich reploid was about to dash Zero pointed his Z-buster at him but uses his index finger in a gesture saying 'no'.

The reploid smiles and begins to charge." You're too weak." Says Zero who doesn't look back.

* Chichi Boom!!*

"Ahhhhhh!" Cries the reploid who falls as he falls apart. Zero then turns and walks over the degrading reploid and walks away as the reploid explodes behind Zero who walks to a cave.

In the cave, he walks with his Z-saber for light and walks deeper into the cave.

*brrr brrr*

He looks at his communicator and picks the transmission.

"Hey Zero, need any help?" Sonic said through the communicator.

"No, do you need help Sonic?" Zero replied.


"I'm busy right now."



"Aah...uuh!" Wails Zero as a bolt of blast ray blows his communicator clean off his wrist. He stands to see a robot with a shell, 2 crab arms with cannons in them and hoove- like feet with blasters. The bot begins firing rapidly but Zero does a spin cycle in the air avoiding every lazer while getting close to the bot. He gets below it but its right arm charged at Zero only to pulverize the ground as Zero somersaults over the robot and uses one arm as support when he lands on the bot and jumps down. The bot turns and activates its blasters charging at Zero who in turn, looks at the robot and shows it it's CPU chip and motherboard in his hand. Suddenly the robot malfunctions and Zero in a quick instant slices it in 8.

Realising he's wasting time Zero dashes deeper into the cave till he sees a pond and dives in. As he emerges he finds himself in the ocean and sees robot crabs charging towards him which he destroys. There he sees a crap reploid in a bubble. Zero feeling pissed charges and punches the bubble but has no effect making the reploid laugh sinisterly. Zero the points his Z-buster
at the bubble and switches to 'ultra disintegrate' which destroys the screaming reploid in his own bubble.

After that Zero them spots a huge structure from a distance. "What's that? A shipwreck?" The red reploid thought as he swam towards the old structure. His radar kept blinking towards the direction of the ship. He blasted some fish mechanaloids with his Z-buster as he approached the entrance of the shipwreck. Inside the shipwreck Zero dashed along the halls of the sunken ship despite being underwater. After dashing for a few minutes Zero entered a large room which seemed to be a dining room with tables arranged all over the room, a mini harpoon missed his face by an inch from behind. He quickly turned around seeing two pantheon aqua.

NB:this is how they look

One raised its arm cannon as a harpoon emerged from i,t ready to be fires

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One raised its arm cannon as a harpoon emerged from i,t ready to be fires.  Zero swiftly brought out his Z-buster firing rapidly at the pantheon aqua. The bulky yellow robot dodged as it fired a harpoon at Zero who quickly grabbed a table as the harpoon stabbed it. Zero fired another round as it damaged the pantheon aqua. Zero quickly got close enough to horizontally slice the pantheon in half. The other one aimed at Zero but within seconds it's arm was sliced off as Zero repeatedly slash it as it exploded. After that Zero continues his search.

Zero checks his radar which was still beeping forward. He enters several rooms in the underwater shipwreck until he entered a really large room. A ball room.

"Alright the radar says an emerald is here but where?"

Zero thought to himself as ge searched for it. Seddenly his radar started to beep fast. He checked it but it wasn't beeping because of the detection of an emerald. An energy signal was detected! Someone is in the room with him. The red reploid circled around the room on search of any surprise attack.

"Hmm..." Zero all of a sudden jumped up high as he dodged two metallic tentacles pierced from the wooden floor as it coiled in a violent way almost wrapping themselves onto Zero. The reploid swam the other side and landed as the tentacles went down below.

A figure burst through the floor as it faced Zero. The figure bared the resemblance of a squid.  It had four tentacles, two for arms  and two somehow serving as legs. Zero soon made out who it was.

 Zero soon made out who it was

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"Tech kraken," Zero said

"I see you still remember me,"Tech kraken began." I guess it was fate we meet once again like this."

"Are you sure you want to fight? We both know how this'll turn out."

"Yes, I'm fully aware of the obvious outcome but I have no choice but to battle you."

Zero closed his eyes."Alright, since you have no choice, I'll fulfill your wish."

"Good, I hope my death will be a memorable one, you best try your hardest for  I won't go easy on you.

"Neither will I."

"Alright, let's begin" Zero drawed out his Z-saber.

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