Chapter 4 act 1: RECOVERY

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A few days after mecha Sonic attacked......................

Sonic, Megaman, Zero and Omega were recovering from the fight. They were in the maintenance room.

"Auh....what happened?"Zero groaned  as he woke up.

Ciel who was in the room quickly looked at Zero as she heard him. "Zero!!, you're awake.

Zero tried to sit up but lied back."ah!"

"Careful, you still haven't fully recovered yet."She said.

"Zero looked around the room to see Megaman on a patient bed still uncousious. He looked to the right to see a shut down Omega.

A moment later, Megaman started waking up." Uh..what happened?..." he Sitting upright and rubbing his head as he groaned.

"You were uncousious for 2 days."Tails said coming into the room.

"Two days?!" Megaman exclaimed

"Yup, you got beaten by Mecha Sonic along with, Zero and Omega.

Megaman suddenly remembered his fight with the metallic blue blur." He's way stronger than I  expected him to be."

Zero soon realized that if Megaman passed out that long then it means the same goes for him.

"How could I be beaten so easily?" He thought. Anger coursed through him as he thought of this question. He tried to get up but groaned as he felt pains in his body. He was tired too.

"Zero, relax!you're still injured. You need a long rest before you can fully recover.

Zero calmed down and lied down again. "Ok, I'll take some rest."

Ciel looked up at him with a sad expression on her face." I was worried about you Zero........."

"I'm.....sorry for causing you to worry." Zero said feeling bad.

"I'm just glad you're ok."Ciel said.
"I'll be in my lab if you need me after you wake up." With that said she left.

            An hour later...........................

Zero wakes up fully functional and strong. All the pain in his body deserted him. He looked around the room seeing no sign of Megaman nor Omega. " They must've already left." He thought.

As for Sonic he recovered a long time ago.

Zero jumped out of the bed and walked to go see Ciel.

At Ciel's room.................

"Oh Zero, you're awake." She said stopping what she was doing, looking at him as she heard him come in.

"Yup,...where's Megaman and Omega?

"They're in the control room. But I think I saw Omega on the 3rd floor, telling some of the resistance soldiers stories about his past GUN missions.

"Huh?" Zero said with a 'what the?!'look on his face." What a strange robot he is, he behaves like a reploid but talks like how... old robots are supposed to talk and he has powerful weapons equipped all over him."

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