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At the resistance base. The group were angered about their 2nd fake emerald. They have already wasted enough time. Sonic and co need the emeralds to get back to their world, but how are they going to do that if they keep encountering false emeralds? Even with all  these uncertainties the team didn't  give their hopes up. Ciel had an area for them ready to be searched for a chaos emerald. But there was something she wanted to tell the gang first.

"Ok guys there's something I want to tell you." She said after the overlapping mumbling that came from the group." While you guys were chasing that reploid..."

"For nothing." Sonic said cutting her off. She continued." The computer scanned a strange energy signature coming from the jungle area." She said displaying a chart with digits increasing. She looked at the gang, it seemed Tails,Omega, Zero and Megaman understood, she glanced at Sonic seeing a blank expression on his face knowing he has no idea. However she continued." I sent some men to investigate.....but non of them have come back."

"So you want us to go there and find out what's going on ?" Sonic inquired

"I know it's not right for me to ask you..."She said feeling like she's bothering them considering the stuff they've been through.

"No worries.."Sonic assured. "After all you gave us a temporal home. If you didn't, who knows what trouble we would've been through to survive out there. You helped us it's the least we could do."

"Thanks, the jungle is 40km west from the base but I can't transport you  there  because I can't pinpoint the coordinates so you'll have to go by foot."

"No problem, I like running anyway."Sonic said.

At the jungle entrance.......................

Sonic stood a few feet away from the countless number of trees scattered across the land. He closed his eyes in relaxation, embracing the calm breeze, his break from running super fast was soon disturbed by someone  panting heavily.The blue hedgehog turned around seeing Mario, his hands on his knees,his lungs taking in air.

"Looks like you came early this time." Sonic said." I'll give you credit for that."

"Next time..."The extremely exhausted plumber began, still panting." please...wait for us?" He said,his breathing now stable.

Sonic grinned." I'll try."

A few seconds after Sonic said that Luigi,Megaman and Zero arrived. Omega stayed in the base. Since they're not emerald hunting the red, black bulky robot decided to take a break.

The five heros ventured deep in the forest. Megaman holding a device given to him by Ciel to track down the strange energy signature. Currently they were no where near the signature and they had to keep on moving. They walked through muddy areas, and passed by do many trees with vines in the way. Zero used his Z-saber to slice the vines as insects were buzzing and flying around the place. Zero remembered doing this kind of stuff during the time he went to the underground forest to stop noble mandrago.
             After several hours of walking, climbing and moaning (especially by Luigi) Megaman broke the group's dull mood with a gasp." Guys! The device's beeping we're close.

"Finally!" Sonic said."I was starting to think this was just some wild goose chase."

That statement made Zero look at Sonic,with a slight scowl on his face." Are you trying to say Ciel was wrong about what she said.?"

"Maybe."the blue hedgehog said, not noticing the legendary reploid's reaction on what he said.

"Ciel's never wrong especially with something like this." Zero said feeling like Sonic has doubt on Ciel's assistance which he in fact does. He has know the young scientist for quite a long time and she has never made a mistake on anything she has done.

"Ok." Sonic said, not interested in this conversation, but he wasn't bored though, since what they were searching for was close in their range.

The grouped walked for some time but something made them stop dead on their tracks as they saw a trail of dead resistance soilders; with red oil coming out from their wounds. Zero examined them.

"They were killed by a strong weapon, a sword to be precise." He said seeing scratch marks  and chunks of metal out of them.

Mario and Luigi looked in horror at this gruesome sight.

The device Megaman was holding was beeping a bit louder, signalling them that their object of search was near. The question that was swirling in Zero's mind was' who did this?'

"I wonder who did this?" Sonic said.

"Whoever did this, the person has serious sword fighting skills and the wounds are all imprinted on the weak points."

"Meaning?"Luigi asked.

"We have a deadly killer around here."

Luigi turned totally white in fear.
And with that he was about to make a run for it but Mario held him firmly.

"Luigi calm down!"

"Aah!" The green plumber screamed running dragging Mario across the floor in the process. He didn't want to take any chances on investigating further on the mysterious murderer.

"Mhm!"Mario got up quickly and pinned luigi to the ground. He got off of Luigi." Luigi!..* Italian gibberish*"

*more Italian gibberish from luigi*

*more Italian gibberish from Mario*

"Oh no!" Luigi said.

Megaman leaned close to Sonic." What're they saying?"

"Beats me." He said as Zero was looking at them in awe.

Mario forced luigi to come. Luigi was shaking like a leaf while behind his bro." Let's go." The red plumber said.

"Uh.. what did ya say to luigi back there?" Sonic asked while walking beside Mario.

"He was planning on ditching us and I told him if he does that he's gonna get lost and this time I'm not going to look for him if he does."


The gang walked further but they heard someone screaming in pain followed by the sound of metal falling, pieces of the metal plating of the reploid that screamed fell in front of the gang. Suddenly they heard a creepy roar coming from the distance behind a huge bush.

"Screw it I'm outta here!" Luigi said about to run again but Mario held the back of his shirt stopping him.

"Don't even think about it."

"Uh..guys " Megaman began nervously." The device is saying were just in front of the energy signature."

"We figured that out already."Sonic said slowly gazing at the Bush from where that creepy sound came from.

Zero carefully drew near the bush, with his Z-saber in hand he sliced the Bush into half.

Luigi wished he could of knocked Zero hard on the head at that exact moment because he's going to let whatever is there see them.

As soon as the bush cleared away, Zero saw a figure weilding a big purple sword. The figure wore white armour with a helmet, purple hair flowed at the back of his helmet.

Zero open his eyes wide in shock. "This can't be!

The figure turned around seeing the gang.

"Zero!, what is that?!"Sonic said.

"The ultimate reploid, Omega!"

Adventure of Mario & Sonic: Robotic ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now