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At Aegis Volcano base......................

The five bodies started reforming in thin air as they came to the place. Mario and Sonic glanced around their environment; a volcano at the far left side of the base. A pathway leading to a huge room.

"Ok guys, follow me and watch out.: he warned.
And with that Zero dashed off at great speed so fast you can see 3 red after images following him.

Sonic bolted behind him along with Mario and Luigi,  Megaman sprinted.

As they ran the volcano erupted as rocks came out of it and some were coming towards them!

Zero and Sonic zipped quickly to the left and right dodging it as Mario and Luigi  still running leaped high , launching the Boulder elsewhere with their mallets. A huge Boulder cane rolling towards Megaman who somersault over it in time, he sees another one approaching but he blast it into pieces after charging his megabuster.

A huge rock blocks the path  leading to a room. Zero charges his z-buster as Megaman does same and both simultaneously shoot, blue and green comets of energy fly towards the obstacle breaking it into a thousand pieces. The heros progress further, jumping on sliding metallic platforms under a slope of moving lava. After jumping and leaping for some time they continued , destroying some enemies along the way until they entered a room. The doors in the room locked as a swarm of enemies appeared. The five had to smash, blast and slice to destroy all of them to progress further.

After going through more rooms, enemies and obstacles they enter the boss room they meet a reploid in white clothes with bright violet eyes, a member of the eight gentle judges.

"I've been waiting for you Zero, can't wait to burn you to crisp." The reploid said darkly.

"I don't know who you are pal!but if you're eager for the fray consider yourself burned.

"Strong words from a helpless rat. I'll use you as a warm up." The reploid in the white cloak said.

"Think of me as a warm up and you'll be liable to get burn."Sonic said making a comeback.

"Yeah cuz we're about to turn up the heat."Mario added.

"You know what they say. " Megaman began" if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

The reploid was pissed, deciding not to say anything he morphed into his true form. He was engulfed in a flash of bright light , after the light disappeared there stood a red reploid; it had the head of a lizard, metallic red flaps resembling petals of a flower around his neck, two arms with fierce looking flamethrowers for hands and a detachable tail.

"My name is Blazin' Flizard, I'll incinerate you all to ashes and use it for bio fuel. The reploid made a creepy growl as he crouched down probably a battle stance of some sort.

Adventure of Mario & Sonic: Robotic ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now