Chapter 2 act 2: BOSS BATTLE

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"We meet once again." Popla started."But things have changed greatly about me."

"Really?"Zero asked." Were you given a new CPU ?"

Popla's circuits were overheating with anger." Mock me as you wish, this isn't going to be like last time. Let me show you how efficient my new abilities are.

Popla opened both wings revealing a blue orb and a bright flash spread across the room, time froze and popla darted towards the gang dropping mega grenades in front of them.

"What the bombs?!"Sonic shouted in shock opening his eyes looking at the explosives immediately time unfrozen.

"Ahh!!"Mario and Luigi shrieked before jumping backwards as Zero and Sonic dived to the opposite direction. Megaman simply change to gutsman's ability and blocked the explosion still standing in the same position as the mist cleared.

"Next time you won't be so lucky."Popla grumbled." But there won't be a next time once I use this" he said holding a glowing purple chaos emerald.

"Huh?!, how did................"
The blue hedgehog remained silent as the ancient relic started powering up the bird reploid.

Popla suddenly spread both wings as feather -like- darts flew straight through the air like flying Spears in all directions. Sonic busted some breakdancing moves dodging the feathers in the process as Zero deflected them with his z- saber swinging it elegantly as the feathered darts dropped to the ground while The bros and Megaman dodged the remaining one.

"What the?!" Zero exclaimed as a purple aura appeared over popla.

The chaos emerald has increased his power x20 and enhanced his time stopping abilities too!the real battle began.

Popla open his wings and shot projectile beams, not just ordinary beams, beams that can turn you into stone temporarily!

The beam approached Megaman, looking at it in shock to the extend of not even thinking of dodging!
Sonic dashed and threw his body pushing Megaman in the process sending them rolling to the other side as the beam whizzed past from where they were only seconds ago.

"Yo Mega, you alright?" The blue blur asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. " Megaman said coming back to his senses.

Meanwhile Mario darted towards popla as he whipped out his hammer, turned his body in a swinging position and swang it hard slamming popla with force which launched him across the room, he landed with a heavy thud followed by a groan.

Popla quickly rose to his feet, narrowing his bright blue eyes at Mario."Kya!, is that the best you can do?"Popla said.

"No, I was only testing."He replied " time for the real thing." The Italian plumber faced his palm towards the reploid as a fireball began forming, he was using a special technique he learnt from his past adventures,the 'firebrand'.

As the ball of fire grew bigger he thrusted his arm launching the fireball towards popla who widen his eyes in shock as the fireball hit him and an explosion took place afterwards. To Mario's surprise, popla emerged out of the smoke, dashing towards him with fury in his eyes fixed at Mario. As he drew closer within a few seconds Mario uppercuted him catching him off guard, quickly forming another fireball in his palm he threw it with power, the fireball flew fast towards popla catching him by surprise as an explosion took place.

"Nice shot." Sonic commented

"Thank you."Mario said with a wink and a thumbs up.

As the smoke cleared, there the reploid stood flinching. Mario and Sonic turned their gaze at each other to popla.

Popla was fed up with this, wanting to end this fight quickly he jumped into the air opening his wings and activated the time stopper orb and everything in the entire room turned pale grey as time froze including everyone except the user of the attack. The bird reploid spun quickly like a tornado hurling grenades to the ground.
As time unfroze, the explosion caught the four by surprise, repelling them to different directions against the wall very hard.

Popla ran with enough speed to ram Zero but was designed by Green swift lines before anybody could make what happened. Popla was sliced into two like a chopped onion.

"What happened?.....why can't I move?"he said frozen on the spot despite being sliced in half."'s fear keeping me froze......."

Popla explodes after that and it spreads across the room making Mario, Luigi , Megaman Sonic and Zero take cover.

After that happened, Sonic leaped into the air catching the falling purple chaos emerald. Everyone then transports out of the place turning totally white as they started dissolving quickly with a flash after effect.

<<<<<<<Boss stage cleared >>>>>>>>

At the resistance base........

The five reappeared into the base satisfied with obtaining a chaos emerald.

"Welcome back."Ciel said walking towards them " How did everything go?"

"Oh everything went smoothly " Sonic began" nearly got touched by a stone turning beam, endured an explosion, nothing much."

Megaman gave him an odd look." You say that like what happened back there wasn't as tense as it was."

"Obviously you know what I mean." Said Sonic giving him a 'don't- you- know?' Look.

The blue android rolled his eyes,shaking his head slowly and looked elsewhere.

"I'm beat, do you mind if I take a 30 minute nap?"

"Well.......a few minutes won't hurt."Ciel said.


Meanwhile................ at a huge lab somwhere quite far from area Zero the nefarious Dr.Eggman was working on something. Word was sent to him about Sonic having a chaos emerald in his possession.

"He may have gotten his rat hands on one but the remaining six will be mine" he muttered Under his breath while working on what he was doing.

The lab door slammed open as an old man with a lab coat and bushy white mustache briskly walked in coming to talk with Eggman.

"Your blue speedy nemesis has his hands one one of those chaos emeralds!"Said Dr.Wily.

"For your information."The evil doctor began." I already know plus I'm working on something that will teach those fools a thing or two.

"What are you working on?"Wily asked puzzled.

Eggman replied."making fake emeralds to extend Sonic's emerald Hunt. These fake emeralds have similar energy readings to the real chaos ."

"Unless they're using an emerald radar, fooling them with these will be easy."

He then gives three fake emeralds to 3 reploids. Things have just gotten interesting.

A/N: Hi everyone as you know right know I'm back from school to spend the holidays sorry for keeping you waiting all this time. Now back to the story Eggman has given three fake emeralds to 3 reploids.......hmmm 3 reploids. Will the next boss the heros face be from Megaman Zero

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3

This is a little quiz, please answer on the comment section. Those who get the correct answer will get a shout out in the next chapter.

See you in the next chapter.

Adventure of Mario & Sonic: Robotic ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now