chapter 4 act 2: OCEANIC OVERDRIVE

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The gang soon appeared at the
assigned place. They were standing on a road that extended to a point. Beyond there was the ocean. The gang walked for a bit until they bumped into a  short blue animal like reploid.

The reploid noticed them.

"Zero?!" The reploid said noticing him. "'ll pay for what you did to me back then."

Sonic noticed the reploid holding a shiny object. The red chaos emerald.

"Hey!!..give us that gem you're holding if you don't won't any trouble."

"If ya want it so badly why don't you come and get it." The reploid said.

Sonic sped towards the reploid but he jumped into a submarine, closing the hatchet and took off. Leaving Sonic balancing at the edge of the road looking at the water making his heart beat faster. Mario simply pulled him back and ended up sitting on the floor.

"Way to go Sonic, you let him get away." Mario said.

"Oh so it's my fault ?" Sonic said.

"Of course..."

"Congratulations Sonic. "Omega said sarcastically clapping" for prolonging our mission."

"Why thank you." Sonic sarcastically replied. " I can see there's no off switch for that mouth of yours."

" Enough!, we have to chase that reploid." Zero said.

"How?" Sonic questioned." Considering I can't swim."

"Have you forgotten you can run in water?" Mario said.

" Uh.. no!" He said.

"Let's go." Zero said.

The gang went underwater.  Zero, since he's water proof went underwater and dashed at a great speed obliterating enemies and avoiding obstacles. Mario and Luigi jumped into the water and swam quickly to catch up with Zero.
Omega, who is also waterproof went underwater activating his underwater arsenal.  Megaman, also waterproof jumped into the water following the others.

As for Sonic he was running really fast on the surface of the water not even planning on stopping.

Back underwater Zero was slicing mechaniloids.  He was a bit startled when torpedoes zoomed past his side behind him. He looked to the source seeing Omega with another set of torpedoes inside his arm were his hands once were.

The torpedoes blasted incoming mechaniloids and underwater pantheon robots. Zero turned again to look at Omega.

"You can admire my underwater arsenal later just get a move on." Omega said.

Zero ignoring him continued to slash the remaining mechaniloids. Everyone continued advancing across the area. Omega made an underwater suit for Sonic with an oxygen tank in order for him to continue. They soon entered a room, after entering they meet the reploid whom they met earlier.

"I thought scaring you off was going to be easy. Looks like I'll just have to finish you off myself." The short blue reploid said.

Omega went back which caused Megaman ,Mario, Luigi and Zero to look at him.

"Is something wrong Omega?" Megaman asked.

"Enemy too weak for my liking. You guys go fight him."

"Hmph!, you think you're too big to fight this?"

The reploid heard that." How dare you insult me!"

The gang looked at the reploid.

"My name is Childre inarabbita. I'll see that smug face of yours frozen with tears.

Childre inarabbita jumped up and down twice as steam burst out of his ears as a battle stance.

The gang except Omega also got in their battle stances.

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