Chapter 2 act 3: AN EMERALD HUNCH

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It was 5'o'clock in the morning at the resiatence base. There in a room a digital  alarm  clock went off.

Sonic opened his eyes, shuttering them quickly as he sits upright to turn off the alarm. He rubs his eyes and yawns taking out the blanket and jumps out, stretches his legs and walks out of the room coming out of a door which opens automatically.

He walks through a hallway with a set of doors on each side which are almost identical.

As he passes by a door, it suddenly opens as Zero comes out quite Surprised to see Sonic up this early.

"Well look whose up early."Zero said.

"Morning Zero ." Sonic said stretching."Where are we heading today?" He asked.

"Patience."He began." When Ciel and the others wake up you'll know.


At the control room everybody waited patiently as Ciel and Tails were staring at the huge green screen for a few minutes. And by 'patiently' I mean everybody was waiting without complain,......except Sonic who was otherwise.

"What's taking so long?" Sonic  fumed.

"Uuh......"Tails said trying to speak but his mind was consumed by what he was looking at on the huge green L.CD screen. Images of emeralds poping up. Tails had just fixed the radar signal, so why was this happening?, why were nine emeralds on the map screen?

"Ahem!"Sonic huffed.

"Oh sorry."Tails said as he drew his attention back to Sonic." There seems to be a problem."He said.

"Problem?, what problem?" Sonic asked in complete surprise.

Tails answered" the radar's picking up nine emerald energy signal. I just fixed the the signals but out of the blue three additional emeralds are on the screen."

Ciel figured out what's going on."Mabye the problem isn't from the radar what if whatever the radar is picking up has the same energy signatures as the chaos emeralds?"

"You're right " Tails Exclaimed after thinking for a sec.

"Oh " Sonic said in a 'I -totally-believe you' tone."So it means we have nine emeralds we have to find?

"No " Tails blurted." Honesty I.....'we' don't know ." He said remembering Ciel is working with him in this thing.

"But the best possible way I believe."Ciel began" is to check out those areas to find out what the radar is picking."

"At least it's worth a try."Megaman said in agreement.

"Yeah but it's still a damn waste of our time."Sonic said with annoyance in his voice." Looks like we're gonna be in this dimension way longer than I thought." He complained.

"Didn't you know that from the start?"Megaman questioned.

"Of course." he replied " have you forgotten Eggman and Wily are causing havoc in our dimension?, the longer we stay here who knows what's gonna happen?"

"I know about the dangers of not being in our dimension but don't we need the emeralds in order for us to get back.

"I know you don't like this but can you just cope with it?"Mario pleaded.

"..........ok " Sonic sighed" As long as we get all the emeralds , I'm cool with everything."Sonic said cheering up.

"I guess you're ready to look for the emeralds right?Ciel asked feeling as happy as Sonic.

Sonic gave her a thumbs" You bet!"

The five stood on a big Green circular pad on the ground, it was a teleporting pad.

"Ok the place your going to is Aegis Volcano base, mission is to get the emerald that's all."

"Piece of cake. "Sonic stated.
"You can't have your cake and eat it too."Zero said as Ciel activated the pad making the room shine red on and off followed by a loud beeping sound." I've been in that place before, there's lots of obstacles there."

Sonic gave him a smug grin." You need more time to know me." He said.

A few seconds later they turned bright white as their bodies dissolved in thin air leaving a white flash on light which died down.

To be continued.

A/N: What do you think of this chapter? It may not be much but I had to do this to give the story more feeling to the adventures.

NB: MMZ3 pop quiz!, what's the name of the boss for the place the gang are going to? A shout out to the one who correctly answers it.

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