CHAPTER 1: First Day....First Impressions

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        I woke up to my annoying alarm and after shutting it off, I began to open my eyes slowly and try waking up some more. Today was my first day at this new school.

        I just moved here a couple of days ago and used to be in home school. But I decided  that I would like to at least try and attempt to enjoy a close to 'normal' senior year experience as I could.

        After taking a shower, blow drying my hair, and getting ready, I headed downstairs to grab something quick to eat.

        I headed outside and noticed our neighbor who I had yet to meet. He had a sexy back. Since that's all I could see while he was knelt down, trying to work on his bike. On his back, I noticed he had a bunch of tattoos.

        I wanted to introduce myself. But after looking down at my phone and seeing the time, I realized I had better hurry up and get going.

         So I got into my car and started driving off.


         When I got to school, I hurriedly went towards the office and checked in as well as grab my schedule.

        I took one glance at my first period and saw that it was math. Though luckily, it was almost over. So I decided I would wait until next period.

        I thought this would be the perfect time to go ahead and find my locker.

        As I started walking around, I saw a guy and girl making out with one another. He had her pinned up against a locker and she was moaning into his mouth as he started grabbing her ass and began moving his hand up to her breast.

        She was a thin blonde, wearing a short skirt with a loose top. And he was wearing a motorcycle jacket with some jeans and had dark hair.

        Very soon I find out that it's my locker they were at.

        I took in a breath and walked up to them.

        I cleared my throat at first. But they seemed to have ignored that.

        "I hate to interrupt, but do you think you guys could take it to the janitor's closet or something? I need to get into my locker." I politely said.

        Both the guy and girl looked at me. Then rolled their eyes.

        "I'll see you later sexy." The girl said to him with a playful little girl tone.

        After the girl left, the guy still stood there, glaring at me as though I had some nerve interrupting them.

       I quickly look down at my feet so that I didn't have to see the daggers I was already feeling from his eyes.

       "And who the fuck are you to interrupt me and my business bitch?" He asked.

      "I was just trying to get to my lock...." He then cut me off.

       He walked even closer to me. His cologne smelled so good.

       "Or, maybe I should just take you to the janitor's closet and finish doing what I was gonna do before you rudely interrupted." He said in a low, but assertive way.

       I just swallowed hard and shook my head a little bit.

       The bell then rang. 'Thank god' I thought to myself.

       "This ain't over yet!" He then slammed his hand hard against my locker door before storming off.

       Who the fuck was he? I wondered.

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