CHAPTER 12: The Cabin

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         We woke up earlier than I personally would have liked to but I thought I would sleep most of the way since the cabins were a few hours away.

           The entire time, Anthony held my hand interlacing our fingers together while driving.

           We arrived at the cabins around noon and got settled into ours before we met up with everyone.

           The cabins were beautiful. They were log cabins. It had a fireplace, a kitchen, a bathroom (of course), one bedroom with a king size bed and was perfectly romantic.

           Right after we unpacked and put our stuff away, I couldn't resist him. He just looked so sexy, laying on the bed.

           I crawled into bed towards him and he looks at me with a smile as he lays his arm to the side, thinking I am going to cuddle with him in his arms.

          So I surprise him with stopping halfway and looking into his eyes with a grin then I move down and start unzipping his pants and pulling out his cock.

          I begin stroking it with my hand a little bit to get him hard before replacing my hand with my mouth. I begin sucking faster and as I hear him moan and grip my hair, I decide to try deep throat his cock and try taking every inch of him inside of my mouth. Which as soon as I did, I immediately felt him move a little and was surprised but knew he loved it cause I gagged a little bit on it and heard him groan out, "Fuck."
         His moans become a little louder as I begin sucking his cock faster and faster while deep throating again until I hear him tell me, "I'm gonna come baby. Ahh. I'm coming. I'm comi.....ahhhhh. Shit.!" Which I moan as well as I swallow every last drop of him. And crawl back on top of him and we cuddle with each other.

        "Fuck baby. That was hot as fuck. Oh my god. You are so good at that." He says with a huge smile on his face.

         I kiss him on the mouth and smile. "Good. I'm glad. The whole point was to please you." I smiled.

         "Baby you do. And I just want you to know, not that I'm complaining, but I hope you know that you don't have do any sexual favors to make me happy." He assures me.

         "I know. I just couldn't resist." I chuckled a little bit. While snuggling closer to him.

         He kisses the top of my head and caresses my head as we lay there for a little while longer until we get a text from Ray, telling us that everybody's here and are meeting up at a restaurant that isn't too far away from our cabins.

          When we arrived, we went inside with Anthony pulling me closer to him as we spotted Ray and everybody, including Chelsea.

          Ugh. I wish Ray could've told us she was coming.

          Anthony noticed her and as we sat down next to each other, Anthony put his arm around my shoulder and he placed his hand on the side of my face and had me face him as he smiled at me and pulled my head in closer to where he started to kiss me deep and passionately. Knowing that Chelsea would be jealous and pissed off.

            I smiled at him as we pulled away and he still was holding my hand.

          "Hey guys, I'm all for public affection, but can you please wait until after we eat?" He jokes with a wink.

           Both Anthony and I look at each other and smile.

           We order our drinks and food and after the waiter takes my order last and I order a rack of ribs and onion rings and as the waiter walks off, Chelsea, OF COURSE decides to comment.

          "You sure you should be eating that?" Chelsea says with disgust on her face.

           The whole table went silent. Anthony doesn't waste any time in retaliating.

           "Shut the fuck up Chelsea. And who the hell even invited you?" He asks.

           "I paid for most of this trip. I can be here if I want!" She says. 

           "No you didn't! Ray and I paid for this trip." Anthony replies.

          "Actually..." Ray began. "My dad cut my allowance off for a while. So she had to help my portion out." He doesn't make eye contact with Anthony or I cause he is ashamed and embarrassed.

           I was upset that he didn't tell us or give us a head's up. However, on the other hand, I know he was embarrassed about the money part. So I just gave him a sympathetic smile. Which he looked at me and smiled back.

            We ate and laughed about random things. Even Anthony had talked about how many times he has fallen off his bike and the  huge scar he has on his leg cause of an accident.

            After dinner we decided to head back to the cabins and have a bonfire to hang out a little bit more before we went to bed.

            Ray and Anthony created a nice fire in the fire pit and we all sat in the folding chairs that Ray had brought for us all.

            It seemed like we all were with someone except for Ray and Chelsea. Well, Ray's boyfriend couldn't come until the day before New Years and Chelsea. I was a little surprised she hadn't brought anybody.

           Then we hear her phone go off and she answers it.

           "Hey babe! Yeah, we're hanging out behind the cabins having a bonfire. You are? Oh my gosh baby, yes. OK. See you soon." She says then smiles.

            We all look at her and she rolls her eyes at us.

            "Who was that?" Ray asks.

            "That was just some guy that I'm seeing and is going to be joining us in literally a minute. He's just parking his car."
She says.

            We then see her look over towards her right and jumps up in excitement and starts running towards a tall man in winter attire and she wraps her arms around him and her legs as they kiss each other and make out for a moment before walking over towards us.

             As soon as they come walking over. Chelsea gets ready to introduce him and before Anthony and I looked up to see her flavor of the week. We heard everyone gasp, including Ray. His was the loudest actually.

            "What the FUCK is he doing here?!" Ray said pissed off.

            Both Anthony and I quickly look up at the man standing next to Chelsea.

           It was John.

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