CHAPTER 4: Who's Tony?!

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I woke up this morning from the sunlight peeking through a tiny slit in my curtains and blinding me. I start to cover my eyes.

As I pull the comforter over my head to go back to sleep, I hear my phone go off.

"Seriously?!" I said out loud, irritated. I reach over and answer it.

"Hello?" I say while sounding groggy.

"Oh my god girl! Why the hell didn't you message me back last night to let me know you guys made it home safe?" Ray asks.

"What?" I said confused.

"Yeah. I called you and texted you several times. You didn't answer. I was worried sick." He said while sounding sincerely concerned.

"My phone must've died. Look, I'm gonna go back to bed. I'll talk to you later." I told him. Except, right as I was about to hang up, I heard him yell.

"Wait! Tonight I'm going to the motocross race. Gonna support a friend. He's one of the best riders. Anyways, I have to stay at the merchandise table, selling my dad's company items. My dad sponsor's my friend and a few others as well as funds these races. And I'm gonna be bored as fuck. Can you pleeeease come and keep me company?" He pleaded.

I thought about it real quick and realized that I had never been to a live race, just seen it on TV. So I decided to go. It would be better than trying to find something to watch.

I told him I would and he let me know he would pick me up in a couple of hours.

After hanging up, I quickly hopped in the shower then got ready.

I decided to wear my jeans and tank top, along with my hoodie.

As I waited outside, I briefly started thinking about last night. How amazing he felt touching me and kissing me. But quickly, I started to realize, that there was no reason for me to think anything of it. He was drunk and is a player. It is all part of his game.


When we arrived, it was amazing. Tons of people were there, hanging out and having a good time. From riders, to the 'motocross groupies' I called them. There was music playing loud, a few riders were warming up around the track and vendors were all over. The riders were very hot, might I say.

Ray informed me about his dad's company and how well known it is.

I sit down next to Ray and after setting up, a guy comes walking through the entrance, wearing a helmet and riders goggles to block out the dirt and sun, as well as the rest of his gear/attire. He's obviously one of the racers.

Everybody starts taking pictures with him, girls are coming up to him, asking for an autograph and some pictures. He puts his arm around a couple of girls to pose with them. Then I notice him turning his head and looking at me. At least I think he was.

I nudge Ray a little and ask him who the rider is.

"That's Tony. He's one of the best riders. And he's also hot." He smiles big then helps a customer.

The rider keeps looking in my direction and then I see him break from everyone around him and start walking towards our table. I quickly swallow the hard lump in my throat as he steps closer, without taking his eyes off me. I start getting butterflies in my stomach.

He approaches us at the table. Ray looks at him.

"What's up, Tony?!" He asks.

"Not much, man. You?" Tony replies although it was hard to hear him because of the helmet. It made him sound like he was muffling.

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