CHAPTER 8: I Have A Confession...

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I woke up this morning, feeling a big pain on the left side of my face. My eye also was hurting, making it hard to open.

I sit up and start to touch my left eye as I wince at the pain.

I then start to take a look around and notice that I'm in what looks to be a living room, however, it isn't mine.

I'm not sure where I'm at or how I got here. In fact, the last thing I remember last night was John hit me so hard that I guess I blacked out?

As I turn to put my feet on the ground and start to wake up a little bit more.

Then I see him. He's lying down on the floor, in the middle of the room. 'But what is he...' I begin to think until I stopped myself and realized that this was His house. His living room. His couch I was on. But how? Why?

I began to quietly try and leave without making a sound, but unfortunately, the squeak in his couch had other plans.

I notice him start to move around a little bit before lifting up his head and turning over to look at me.

He see's me and sits up quickly while trying to rub his eyes to wake himself up some more.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Why am I here?" I asked him.

"Do you remember anything from last night?"

"Not really." I replied. "Well, I mean, I remember coming home and John tried to touch me and I...." I stopped myself as I started to cry. Why the hell was I crying?

Feeling a little bit embarrassed, I tried to cover my face with my hands to hide from him seeing me and my pathetic tears.

Suddenly, I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders as he sits down next to me and pulls me closer to him, so that I'm crying in his chest.

I should be pushing him away. But it felt good being in his arms.

I then feel his hand stroking my head. Trying to comfort me.

"It's okay. I took care of him." He tells me.

I pull my head back and look up at him, with a confused look.

"What do you mean, you took care of him?" I asked while feeling a little bit afraid of what his answer will be.

"Let's just say that he now knows better than to come near you again." He smirks.

"You didn't..." I began but was cut off by him laughing.

"Hell no. I'm not a murderer Mel. Shit." He chuckles while removing his arm off my shoulders. Which made me miss it immediately.

I could tell that I struck a little bit of a nerve.

We share a brief moment of silence until he says something.

"Well, I'm starving. Want some breakfast?" He asks while getting up and already walking towards the kitchen.

"Yeah." I push the blanket off of me. Then start walking towards the kitchen. "Um, I should probably be getting back home." I mention while realizing I shouldn't be here. "Thank you for last night though." I began to walk towards the front door until I felt his hand lightly grab my wrist.

"Wait! You can't go." He says.

"And why can't I?" I asked.

"Because I already told your mom that you are staying over at a friends for the weekend. So you have to stay." He grins.

"As if I'm under house arrest?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"If you wanna call it that, then yeah." He chuckles.

He then takes a hold of my hand and I start following him to the kitchen counter where a couple of bar stools are. He has me sit down on one before turning on the stove and start cooking.

"Well, you know I'm not going to be in these clothes all weekend." I tell him.

"Not a problem. You can always walk around naked.....Or you could wear my clothes." He says with a wink.

"Funny." I reply.

"What's so funny?" He asks in a confused tone.

"Okay....Well, for starters, trust me, you don't want to see any of this." I tell him while making a circle motion around my body "And second of all, I couldn't wear your clothes. I mean, hello? Your clothes would look like the end result of Hulk ripping his clothes when he's turning into the hulk." I chuckled.

He didn't laugh. He just looked back down at the skillet, shaking his head as he was making scrambled eggs in and bacon.

I thought I would break the awkward moment of silence, that I'm sure was because of me.

"Seriously, do you have anything I can wear if I took a shower?" I asked.

He nods his head. "Yeah. Just go into my dad's closet and I'm sure he will have something. Also, the bathroom is upstairs third door on the right."

"Thanks." I tell him.

I felt bad. I think I upset him. 'Good going Mel.' I thought to myself.

Was my hulk joke really that bad?

Next Chapter will be posted today!!

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