CHAPTER 15: I Love You Not

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When I came out of the bathroom, I noticed that John and Mel were gone. What the fuck?! I thought to myself.

I walked up to Ray and pulled at his arm to have him face me. I was pissed.

"Where the fuck is John and Mel?!" I yelled at him.

"Dude. Don't worry. We were all too drunk to drive, so I had him take her back to your guys' cabin cause she looked like she was about to pass out. But I'm trying to get everybody together now so that Briana's boyfriend can take us back in your truck." He tells me.

"I can drive. I'm not shitfaced like all of you guys. Let's go!" I demanded.

Everybody got into my truck. Though I made sure Chelsea was in the back while Ray was in the passenger seat next to me.

As soon as we were all in and buckled, I started to peel out of the parking lot and headed back towards the cabins. Luckily they weren't too far away.

Right as I pulled up, I quickly got out, grabbed my keys and let everyone else head to their cabins as I quickly ran into mine and Mel's.

I started looking around and calling out her name. Then I headed towards the bedroom and as soon as I walked in. I saw John on top of her. He was thrusting into her. Moaning loud. I wanted to beat the shit out of him, but instead, I decided it would be better to just leave. Cause I know that I would literally beat him until he died.

Then again, she seems to be letting him fuck her. I mean what the fuck? He tried to rape her before. Why the hell would she fuck him? And she's with me. We love each other.

I start shaking that thought from my head cause fuck that. Then start storming out. I guess she never loved me. She didn't even drink tonight. So it isn't like she was buzzed or even too drunk. And she probably just told Ray that she wasn't feeling well so that John could take her back there. In fact, I also begin thinking that she used that whole insecurity and she's ugly act to get to me. I bet she even pulled this shit at her old school and that's why she had to leave cause she got a slut reputation.

Though, despite the rage and anger I feel right now, I also feel a lot of pain and hurt. I mean sincerely, I do love her. And can't believe she would do something like this. She is no different then Chelsea.

As soon as I thought that name, I decided to go over towards her cabin.


When I awoke this morning, I had a little headache but not much.

When I looked over next to me in bed was a naked Chelsea. Yes, I fucked her. Not that it justifies anything, after all it was all Mel's fault as she decided to let John fuck her.

I start trying to get rid of the thoughts quickly as it will only make me more pissed off.

I quickly get up and get dressed and start walking out the door.

As I finish buckling my pants and putting my jacket on, I stop and see Mel standing by the fire pit, facing me. She looks as though she is crying and is upset and hurt, knowing that I fucked Chelsea.

However, I don't care. She can't make me be the bad guy in this situation.

I next see her running off towards our cabin. So I decide to run after her. She's not gonna get away with crying like she's hurt and she's the victim.

I burst open through the door and slammed it shut behind me when I see her sobbing and crying really hard on the couch.

She jumps and quickly stands up right as she see's me and her eyes look red and puffy. Which even though I'm pissed, it still breaks my heart to see her crying that hard.

She breaks the silence that has been created between us already.

"Why did you do it?" She asks with a sniffle.

"Don't play that card with me. And stop fucking crying when you caused this." I snapped at her with my arms crossed on my chest.

"What are you talking about? I never told you to fuck Chelsea." She exclaims.

"No, but you sure as hell didn't mind letting John fuck you. I caught you both last night. After Ray told me you were not feeling well and looked as though you were going to pass out, so John brought you back. As soon as I found out, I got everybody piled into my truck and we headed back here. Then I came in and saw him thrusting into you and heard both of you moaning a little bit." I fired back at her.

She looked at me confused, but I wasn't falling for that bullshit.

"Look. I don't remember anything that happened last night. Except when you and I danced..then..." She began but then I cut her off.

"Then you guys FUCKED!" I yelled out, finishing it for her.

"No. I mean, I don't remember but, I swear that I never would have done anything. He must have put something in my drink while I was in the bathroom talking with Chels..." I cut her off again, putting my hand up.

"Save it! You are no different than Chelsea or any of the other girls I've been with. I thought you were different and I really did fall for you, but you fucking used me and fucked John. The guy that tried to rape you and had hit you. My god, I was so fucking stupid for stepping in that night and helping you out. Shit! You probably like that role playing rough shit!"

"I swear, I didn't sleep with him." She pleads.

"Right. He just fucked you and you didn't want to push him away cause he probably felt better than me!" I shout at her.

Tears stream down her face and tries to walk up to me.

"Please, I swear. I love you and I didn't...." I cut her off again and tell her to stop.

"Stay the fuck away from me, you fucking whore!" I yelled then stormed outside, got into my truck, peeled out the driveway then sped off to clear my head.

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