CHAPTER 13: It's Okay....

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         I couldn't believe Chelsea had come along and Ray didn't tell me and Mel to at least give us a head's up or anything. Though I guess it didn't matter. Cause Nothing's gonna keep me away from my girl.

         I wish Ray would've told us. And he knew he could come to me always for money. Though on the other hand, I understand why he didn't tell me.

          As we were all sitting around the bonfire, with Mel in my arms sitting next to me, we hear Chelsea's phone go off and then her annoyingly overly fake nice tone of voice, answer it. She sounded like she was talking with someone whom she invited to join our trip. Probably the flavor of the week. Though I had a feeling deep inside that she was up to something. I could tell also because of the way she looked at me and Mel with a suspicious grin.

         It wasn't until I heard Ray gasp and then say, "What the FUCK is he doing here?"

         At that part, I shot a glance towards where Chelsea and this man was walking towards us. Then as he got closer to us, I saw his face. It was John.

          That son of a bitch. What the fuck was he doing here?

          I immediately felt Mel squeeze tighter against me as she felt afraid to see him.

          My arm around her got tighter to let her know she was safe.

          Her face looked horrified. Like a kid that was abused by a parent and was still afraid they might do something about it.

           I kissed her head and then looked into her eyes and immediately the fear in her eyes went away and suddenly became filled with love and calmness again. She smiled as we kissed each other.

           Then as I look back over towards Chelsea and John hand in hand as they walked over towards their chairs, I began to tense a little bit. Even more once I noticed him looking at Mel and winking at her with a smirk. Which I'm sure he didn't think I saw. But I did. And that shit wasn't going to fly with me.

           "Don't you EVER fucking look at her again unless you plan to go into the ER where they will need dental records to identify you. You got me motherfucker?!" I growled at him while standing up abruptly, but still holding Mel's hand who still was sitting down.

           Though after I yelled, I noticed Mel stand up and place her other hand on my chest and had me look at her. I immediately calmed down as she quietly said, "Come on baby. Let's go to sleep."

            I smiled at her, then glared at both Chelsea and John as everyone just looked at me as though they were shocked yet terrified that I had just done that.

           Both Mel and I walk to our cabin. We take a shower together and lay down in bed with us spooning. I kiss her shoulder and softly tell her, "I love you Baby."

            It's quiet and not that I expect her to say it back, she smiles and replies while turning her head to face me, "I love you too."

           I give her a passionate long kiss on her lips before her and I fall asleep in each other's arms.


           As I woke up the next morning, I reached over towards her side of the bed and felt it was emptied.

           I open my eyes and look around, wondering where she's at and I right away know, from the amazing smell of pancakes coming through the bedroom door from the kitchen.

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