CHAPTER 7: I Can't Stay Away Anymore

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It's been a week since the dinner party at Ray's occurred.

I don't know what Anthony was thinking, but him and I are NOT dating. Even though he told me that he claimed me, which doesn't mean he does.

John and I had been texting back and forth for a week now and have been on a couple of dates.

Tonight, we are going out and it's a Friday, so there's no specific time I need to be home. So far, he seems cool and is a gentleman.

The today, as I was getting things out of my locker, I see my locker door be slammed shut. I look over and see Anthony glaring at me.

"You scared me." I gasped.

"What's with you going out with Ray's cousin, huh?! What don't you understand about me telling you you're mine?!" He yells.

"I-I'm not yours." I nervously reply while trying to sound strong.

"Yes. You are!" He says more assertively and more agitated.

"No. I'm not! You haven't asked me out, you are ALWAYS with Chelsea or some other girl. And you can't just decide one day that I'm yours. Especially, not when you go around, still kissing and screwing other girls." I blurt out with jealousy. I can't believe I just talked to him like that, yet, at the same time, I was proud of myself for doing so. I bet he wasn't expecting that. Specifically from a girl and that girl being me.

I was about to turn and walk away when he grabbed my wrist and pushed me up against the lockers and slammed his lips onto mine. I tried not to moan, but honestly, it was kind of turning me on.

"Mine!" He quietly said against my lips.

I quickly come back to reality and shake my head. "No. That's NOT how it works." I then walked away. While remembering the image I saw earlier during lunchtime in the cafeteria. Chelsea was on his lap and they were making out.

Later tonight, I was going on my date with John and while getting ready, I saw Chelsea and Anthony making out in front of his window. Probably, purposefully, so that I could be jealous or something along those lines. Which I will admit, I was. I don't know why I would be. I like John and am interested in him. However, I'm starting to realize and take notice that I don't feel what I feel when I look at Anthony. I shake my head and remind myself not to worry about him or think about him. I needed to focus right now on my date. Though before I left to meet John outside, I noticed Anthony looking at me while Chelsea was kissing him. He looked pleased to see me watching.


I returned from the date and John pulls up in front of my house and turns off the engine.

"I had a really good time tonight. Thank you." I smiled.

"Me too." He smiled while unbuckling himself.

Now, I did have a good time with John, however, I couldn't stop thinking about Anthony the whole time.

Suddenly, I felt John's hand turn my head to face him and he started to kiss me. I kissed him back, though I was imagining I was kissing Anthony. John's hands start to caress one of my breasts on the outside of my shirt. I move his hand and start pushing him away.

"Please, stop." I tell him.

"Oh come on." He says pleadingly.

Then he tries moving his hand down towards between my legs but I stop him half way and slap his hand away.

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