CHAPTER 6: I Am Thankful For?!

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I woke up and rubbed my eyes to wake up some more. I then sat up and rubbed my hands over my face.

I started looking around and saw the Journal still there on my night stand. Shit, I passed out and forgot to give it to her. I hope she is home.

So I quickly got up and dressed and headed out towards her house.

I knocked and didn't wait too long before I saw the door open up. She looked as though she had been crying.

"Are you OK?" I asked.

"I'm fine. What are you doing here?" She asks.

"I wanted to um, to bring you this." I said a little hesitantly as I hold out the journal in front of me.

Her face immediately lights up and she has a huge smile upon her face.

"Oh my god! Where did you find it?" She excitedly asked while taking it from my hands and clutching it close to her chest.

"I uh, as I was leaving class, I noticed you dropped it. I tried to give it back to you yesterday but I didn't find you and didn't see your car in the driveway when I got home. So, I was going to wait for you to come home and then I passed out." I chuckled.

She laughs a little bit also. "Well thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me." She smiled bigger than I had ever seen her smile.

"You're welcome." I told her.

She then wraps both her arms around me and we start making out.....

I jolt straight up awake in bed. I don't know why I had that dream. But that was weird.

OK. Maybe I had that dream because I did end up looking in her journal. I know that was wrong of me, but I just wanted to know things about her. Suddenly I have become beyond interested in her and couldn't help it. Yes, I could have just asked, but I doubt she would have told me anything.

My phone rings. It's Ray.

"Hey man. What's up?" I answered.

"Hey. I can see that I woke you up." He said.

"No. Not at all. What's goin' on?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just cooking cause it's THANKSGIVING!!" He said Thanksgiving excitedly. He loves all holidays. And this year, since his parents were gonna be gone, he decided to invite just a few people to his house for dinner.

"Damn. Someone's excited!" I replied.

"Hell yes! Now, I need you to be here in a couple of hours cause I'm trying out these new appetizers and that's when they will be ready as well as when everyone else will be here."

He's such a kid when he acts like this. But I let out a sigh and say, "Fine, I'll come. But who else is gonna be there?" I ask.

"Well, of course, me, then there's you, Joey, Chelsea, Bianca and her boyfriend, Mel and my cousin, John." He says.

"Wait, did you just say? Chelsea and Mel? Do you not remember that Chelsea hates Mel?" I reminded him.

"Yes yes. But there will be no drama at my dinner party. And it will not become a 'Who Done It/ Murder Mystery' themed party. So just show up here in two hours."

"Alright. Oh and I didn't know you had a cousin named John?!" I tell him.

"Yes, well, he goes to college around here and I thought him and Mel might hit it off. So.." I cut him off.

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