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One Year Later.....     

        Love really is such a silly game we do play. I guess that song was right. But no matter what. Always know what love is. And remember that with love, there is no hesitation. At least that's one of things I had learned.

         Anthony and I got married a few months after we graduated high school. He ended up choosing a huge company to sponsor him. He also, was doing all these promotional things for the people he signed on with. With also, Ray being his manager.

           I was starting to get better with dealing with my emotions. Plus, other than my therapist, Anthony is such a great listener.

           Our honeymoon had been in Tahiti. Compliments of his dad, since that was his wedding gift to us.

            My mom and Sam had eloped to Vegas to get married a month before my graduation. And hers and my relationship was better and stronger than ever.

           Chelsea and I became best friends and it looks like her and her boyfriend are enjoying life and each other at the same time while they are travelling the world.

           Anthony and I bought a condo that wasn't too far from where we lived.

          Yep. Life is great. I'm glad I didn't say goodbye.

           We haven't even been married a whole year yet and already is talking about kids. Which I would love to have them, but feel like, it's still too soon for that. Plus, with him touring and travelling all over, I want to enjoy all of that before we have little ones. Cause then, when we travel with kids, that will be fun all itself. But when the day does come for us to have kids, I know he will be beyond helpful. And the best dad in the world just like he is as my husband. Though he also has told me the same about being his wife and a mom.

           "I love you." I tell him.

           "I love you too baby. Always." He smiles before we kiss.

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