CHAPTER 2: Hello There Neighbor!

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       Most of this morning went by pretty fast.  But finally, lunch arrived. I was starving since all I ate this morning was a granola bar.

       I had gotten my food and started looking around until I spotted Ray. He stood up from the table he was at and motioned me with his hand to come over.

       As I walked over, we greeted each other and saw there were a few other people that were looking at me.

        "Everyone, this is the new girl, Mel. She's the locker neighbor I told you all about. And she's going to be eating with us for the rest of the year." He said while winking at me.

        "Hi everybody." I said shyly while taking a seat next to Ray and started to meet his friends.

         The person to my right was named Bianca. She had glasses, braces, curly hair and was latina. Then the person next to her was Aaron. He was a pale white kid that looked to be an artsy kind of a person with a  little bit of muscle. Then there was Joey. He was gay and liked Ray. To which I think Ray liked him too. Joey had black hair and looked a lot like a dark skinned model. I love gay people. They are awesome!

         Everybody seemed to be cool, nice and genuinely very friendly. We all started talking to get to know one another.

        My laughter soon faded when I noticed the guy I saw earlier that was making out with some girl at my locker just walked in with a couple of his friends that started heading towards their table. Which just so happened to be located just a few tables off to the side of ours.

        While sitting down, him and his friends start talking. He then catches me looking at him and smirks at me as well as a wink before seductively licking his lips.

        I quickly look down at the sad food, they called 'edible' and started to pick at it.

        Ray then nudges my arm with his elbow.

         "Hey. You do know that Anthony Waterson is staring at you?" He says.

         "Who?" I ask.

         "Anthony Waterson? The hottest bad boy of the school? The only guy who is gawking at you?" He says.

         I began to blush as soon as he winked at me. And I start avoiding eye contact.

         The rest of the periods sucked. Except for P.E. Cause Ray was making it fun, funny and interesting. I think he did and said a lot of things to make me laugh and feel happy. He was a great friend.

          Final class of the day. My favorite class, Creative Writing'.

          I have wanted to become a writer so bad and other than my journal and Wattpad, I haven't done anything to try and publish my stories and poetry from a publisher or anything. Even though people are telling me that they think I should.

         As I took my seat, I took out my journal and the final bell to get to class, rang. I started writing in it after the teacher said that this was free time. Fifteen minutes after class started, the door swung opened.

         It made me jump. That's for sure. Then I heard gasps and girls look as though they could faint.

        I looked at the doorway to see what the fuss was about. That's when I saw Anthony and the couple of friends he had with him at the table.

        The teacher, Ms. Pinkerton, says, "And how may I help you boys?"

         I see Anthony walk up to her and hands her a piece of paper. She reads over it quickly.

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