CHAPTER 17: Just Around The Corner...

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It was several weeks away until the big race was here when I hopefully would get offers from big well known sponsors.

After returning back from the cabins, I knew I was going to see Mel at school. But I also knew that I could just avoid her also.

It was hard for me to practice racing and everything because I couldn't stop thinking about her.

Yes, I still loved her but wasn't sure I could forgive her. It just hurt too much.

It's been a week in a half since we were back at school again.

In the classes Mel and I had together, I avoided her. I sat away from her and didn't pay any attention to her.

I noticed though too that at lunch time, she wasn't really eating. She started eventually, coming to school looking pale and had bags under eyes as though she hasn't been sleeping.

I also notice her wearing more hoodies to school. Though it wasn't even cold anymore.

Then, a week after going back to school from Winter break, I noticed she stopped coming to school.

I began to ask Ray if she was okay and all he would do was nod and not say anything but had a worried look on his face.

Finally, after not seeing her around her house or coming outside, I finally go up to Ray after school.

"Dude, I need to know. Is she alright? Truthfully?" I asked him feeling really worried.

He took in a deep breath before letting it out.

"Honestly, I don't know. But I know something is wrong with her. She seems deeply depressed. I see her everyday after school, to bring her her homework, and it just....I don't see Mel. The girl I know. I'm worried man. And I promised her I wouldn't say anything to you. But I can tell, you really do love her. So, if you want, I was gonna head over to her place, wanna come with me?" He asks with pleading eyes.

I nod. "Yeah. Thanks." I replied.

We head back towards her place.

As we pulled up and then walked inside, I noticed the place was a mess and as Ray and I began heading upstairs towards her room, he started calling out her name to let him know he was here. Except, she didn't answer.

"I bet she fell asleep with her headphones on again." He rolls his eyes playfully.

As he opens up the door and says her name again, we don't see her. But then I see her feet peeking out the corner of the bed on the floor.

I quickly push Ray to the side and immediately run to her and instantly drop to my knees as I see her pale and lying there. With her wrist cut deeply as it is in a puddle of blood.

I begin crying the hardest I ever cried and yelled out to Ray who gasped as he ran to me and Mel whom I now had her in my arms.

Ray started to scream and cry. Then he checked her pulse on the opposite wrist and found that she had a little bit of a pulse.

He immediately takes out his phone and starts quickly dialing 911.

I'm just holding Mel in my arms. I feel just as Jax did in SOA when he held Tera's lifeless body in his.

"I love you baby. I'm so fucking sorry. Please. Please stay with me. Please come back to me." I kiss her forehead and in less than fifteen minutes, the ambulance comes and takes her away, I ride with her in the ambulance.

Once we get there, she immediately goes to have her wrist stitched and cleaned up.

Meanwhile, I'm pacing back and forth. Praying that she doesn't die.

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