CHAPTER 16: Not Meant To Be....

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        As soon as he slammed the door behind him and left, I fell to my knees, holding onto my stomach and continued to sob and cry even more, even when I had no tears left.

         I really don't remember anything from last night. Especially, John bringing me back here and supposedly fucking me. Though, I do start to think that maybe Chelsea had something to do with it. While she was talking to me in the bathroom, he slipped something in my pepsi.

         Except, I would have no way in proving it.

         I stayed in my cabin the rest of the day and after thinking a while and trying to ignore the pain I was feeling down at my princess parts, I decided that it was better to just leave. There was no reason for me to stay.

         So I called a cab, packed my things, said goodbye to Ray, Briana and her boyfriend. Though they begged for me to stay, I just lied and told them I just felt sick. Though I knew they knew better. So I just only told them that Anthony and I broke up. I didn't tell them details. And besides, John left late last night so he wasn't there anymore. But Chelsea was and clearly, Anthony and her could now sleep together and do whatever they wanted to.

           Ray and them gave me a huge and tight hug as the cab pulls up.

           Ray then walks up behind me as I'm about to step into the cab, when he quickly turns me around and hugs me tight again.

           "I'm so sorry." He says in my ear while trying not to cry.

           I shrug my shoulders. "It's okay. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. I will see you later though. I'll see you at school." I tell him before turning around and getting into the cab. Then Ray closes the door and the cab driver starts driving.

           Though it was a few hours drive, I finally made it home.

           I had thought my mom would be home, but guess she was at work. At least, that's what I thought until I saw a note taped to my bedroom door. It was from her.

          It reads:
               Hey Angel. I hope you had fun on your trip. I myself am going on a trip with Sam. We are leaving for Maine and will be gone for three weeks. I'm sorry, it was a last minute thing and I did leave you some money for groceries and whenever you and Anthony go out. ;) Also, I did pick up some food and drinks for you and if your friends come over, already, but I hope you had fun. I love you. Call and or text me whenever, especially if you need anything. Otherwise, I'll see you in a couple of weeks. Love you!!!!

                Love Always,


        Great. I now have no one to talk to for the next almost week until I go back to school. Which will be interesting. Luckily I don't need to ever talk to Anthony again. Not even for our project since I already know enough about him to evaluate who he is.

         I just need to now figure out how in the hell I am going to deal with him when I get back to school.


         I returned back to the cabins after being gone for most of the day.

         After parking my truck and getting out, I notice there's a bonfire already lit and as much as I didn't wan't to see John or Mel, I just thought I would ignore her and just hang out with Chelsea or Ray.

          As I walked over towards them. I didn't see Mel or John. Pff. They probably are fucking each other somewhere.

          I sat down next to Ray and looked at Briana cuddled up with her boyfriend on his lap and Chelsea beside them.

         "Where were you?" Ray asks me, breaking the awkward silence.

          "I went for a drive." I replied, not wanting to talk about it.

           "Oh." Ray says. Sounding as though he wants to talk about what happened. As I'm sure everyone heard us from this morning.

           "So where's Mel?" I ask while trying not to sound like I care.

            "She left. She went back home." Ray says with a depressed tone.

            I was surprised. Why the hell would she leave? Well, I guess when you are guilty of cheating on someone you don't want to face them, the best thing to do is leave.

           I shake my head and get rid of the thoughts of her in my head. 'Good riddance.' I thought to myself.

          As the fire began to die down, we all decided to go to bed. As I started heading off to my cabin, Ray comes up beside me.

         "Hey man." He says.

         "Hey." I replied as we stopped walking and faced each other.

         "Look, I know that it's none of my business with what happened between you and Mel. But whatever it is, I hope that you guys can work it out cause I know you two love each other more than anything and are perfect for each other." He says.

           "That's what I used to think too." I replied firmly.

           "Anyways, here. She told me to give you this." He says while having me hold out my hand and placing the necklace I gave to her into my hand.

            Right in that moment. That is when I felt my body go numb and the pain in my chest came back up.

            I wanted to cry and yell out loud. I was filled up with so much anger, frustration, sadness and was feeling, alone and empty.

           I still loved her. But don't think  I can ever forgive her.



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