CHAPTER 3: Saturday Night

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       The week went by quick and I kept trying to avoid seeing Anthony. Even in Creative Writing, he kept staring at me and trying to get my attention.

        It was annoying, sure. But for some reason, on the other hand, I kind of liked the attention.

        It was Friday and I couldn't wait to go home and just lay around the house and watch some movies while vegging.

        Ray walks up to me as I start heading towards the parking lot and puts his arm over my shoulders.

         "Hey doll." He says.

         "Hey, Ray." I reply.

         "You got any big plans for this weekend?" He asks.

         "Not really. Just planned on laying around, relaxing. You?"

          "Well, there's a party tonight. You should come with." He says.

          "Nah. I don't like going to parties really, or drinking." I replied.

         "They have waters and shit. Come on. You'll have fun." He says with a wink.

         "No thank you. I will pass." I laughed.

         "Alright doll. But let me know if you change your mind." He laughs.

         "I will." Telling him even though I won't.

          I got into my car and started driving home.


         It was around midnight when I heard my phone ring.

          I looked to see who it was and saw Ray's name on the caller ID.

          I answered it. "Hello?"

          "Hey gorgeous!" He began yelling into the to try and talk over the loud music. "Can you please do me a favor?"

          "What?" I asked while rubbing my eyes and trying to wake up a little bit more.

          "Can you please come and pick me and my friend up to take us home? I am too drunk to drive and don't have enough to Uber it." He laughed.

          He sounded so adorable drunk.

          "Fine. Text me the address and I will be there as soon as I can." I said.

          "Thanks doll. I owe you one." He said before hanging up.

          I start to yawn and then get up and put a hoodie over me, then put my shoes on and grab the keys downstairs and start walking towards the car. He's lucky my mom had a short shift tonight.

          As I pulled up in front of the house, I noticed Ray was holding up somebody beside him who looked to be really drunk. Ray opened up the passenger door and sat the guy inside and buckled him up and then told me, "Hey. Actually Joey told me that he was gonna give me a ride tonight. So can I have you take Anthony home?" He pleads.

          I know Ray wanted to get laid tonight. So I just nodded and he mouthed a 'thank you' and that he owed me big time. To which I mouthed back, 'Yes, you do.'

         We both laughed a little bit and after shutting the door, I drove off towards his house.

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