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I was sitting in class when I noticed that Mel wasn't there. She hadn't been for almost a week now.

Of course, there were rumors going around school of reasons why she wasn't there. At least until I finally heard the truth. Mel had slit her wrist and tried to kill herself and is in the hospital.

I started to feel terrible. I never should have done what I did and I never should have agreed to go along with John's plan. The plan of him slipping a 'date rape' pill into her drink while I was talking to her in the bathroom and while Anthony was going to the bathroom also.

I guess between the alcohol, jealousy and the lust I still had for Anthony, I guess I just instantly took the shot I had.

But quickly, afterwards, I realized that I don't like being what I am. I am not that cruel of a person. Why do I act this way? I used to be bullied in elementary school. Which is how I became tough. But then, I guess, somewhere along the way, I became a bully.

Call it an epiphany but, I suddenly have realized and admitted to myself, that Anthony and I aren't meant to be. That I wan't what him and Mel have and could have. But with someone else and that it's always been lust with us. Never love. And I do want them to be happy.

Now that she's in the hospital, I'm not sure how to change the situation and make things better.

Then suddenly, it came to me. I know how to make it up to Mel and Anthony.

I quickly took out my phone and spoke with my dad. He's a lawyer.

I was going to make sure that John got what was coming to him.


I quickly walk up to Chelsea and tightly grip her arm and start pulling her towards an empty room I see and push her in then stand against the door so she doesn't leave. I then cross my arms across my chest. And glare at her.

"I know you're mad. But please, listen to me. I'm sorry, first of all for ever hurting her and you. I'm also sorry that she tried taking her own life. And I know that neither one of you will ever forgive me but I need to tell you something." She begins.

"What?! What could you possibly tell me that will make everything better?" I snap at her.

"Well, the incident up at the cabins where you saw John and Mel?" She began trying to hold back tears.

"Yes." I replied through clenched teeth.

She then began explaining to me what really happened and that he raped her. She wasn't conscious. I started feeling even more shitty and that I didn't believe her. As well as rage and wanting to kill John.

Chelsea then continued to tell me, that a couple of days ago, she talked to her father who's a lawyer and who also knows one of the biggest judges in this state. She confessed what happened. John was arrested and convicted, due to her testimony alone, so that Mel didn't have to go up to the stand. To which she wouldn't have remembered anyways. Chelsea also told me John had gone to prison. And found out, she wasn't the first one he did that too. She then said she got community service for knowing and partially being an accomplice to the whole thing. But thanks to her dad and his connections, she just got off with doing community service.

By the time she was done, she was sobbing and I hugged her and let her know that I forgave her and that we should wait to tell Mel about what happened with John, until after she gets better. But for now, he will leave the flowers in Mel's room and try and fix him and her and that he will keep her updated on Mel.

She apologized once more and then left.
While I stood in that room, trying to collect everything that had just happened and as I came walking out of the room, I saw Mel's mom. She was hugging Chelsea as they were both crying. Shit! I guess now her mom knows. Great, she is gonna want me to leave.

I cautiously begin to walk up to them and as they pull apart and look at me, her mom smiles as does Chelsea as she wipes her tears away. Then, as I'm about to start apologizing and explaining myself to Mel's mom, she holds up her hand.

"Chelsea explained everything to me. And yes, we will wait to tell her. But for now, you need to go inside and talk to my daughter." She says.

"Is she awake?" I asked.

"Yes." She nodded with a smile.

"Okay. Here I go." I say while taking a deep breath and letting it out before walking into the room. After of course, handing the flowers Chelsea got for her and handing them to her.

I open the door, my palms are sweaty. Am I ready? I'm so nervous. But I'm ready. I'm ready to win back my love.

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