CHAPTER 20: Valentines Day!!

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        It's been almost a month since I was released from the hospital and I feel like mine and Anthony's relationship is stronger than ever.

       I have been getting help from a therapist that Sam had recommended and I really like her. Anthony takes me every Tuesday.

       Ray has apologized to Anthony and I. Again, cause of his cousin, though we already told him it was okay.

       Also, I was told that Chelsea had come to the hospital to apologize. And though, I took precaution, she explained everything to me and how sorry she was for both the incident with John and the trying to break up Anthony and I. It took a while, but eventually, we worked things out and her and I are good friends now. Who would have thought, right?

       Nobody has bullied me since I returned from the hospital. In fact, it was kind of weird the way they treat me. I got so many people coming up to me, asking how I'm doing? It was kind of nice, but also, kind of weird at the same time.

       Tonight is Valentines Day and I have never really celebrated this holiday before. Well, other than with my mom. But never with a guy before. I was excited because tonight was also Anthony's big night where all these big sponsors were gonna be there and his dream of becoming a professional rider was going to come true. And I don't know for a fact. But I just have a feeling.

       Anthony's been waiting for this night forever and because it happened to fall on Valentines Day, he told me that afterwards we would grab some dinner and then go home to watch a movie. Oh and to have great Valentines Day sex.

        We got ready and had Ray drive us to the race in Anthony's truck with his bike on the back.

        Anthony was extremely nervous, more than usual. He held my hand with his gloves on his hands already, then once we arrived, Ray told him he would get everything set up for him.

        As soon as Anthony put his helmet on and goggles, we walked hand in hand together. And of course, we were stopped immediately by cameras and the groupies and reporters.

        "So, Tony, how are you feeling about your huge race tonight? And who do you hope to get to sponsor you?" Reporter one asked.

         "I don't know. I'm just more focused on the race right now." Anthony replies.

         "Yes, of course! And who is this lovely lady by your side?" Reporter two asked.

         "This is my girlfriend, Melanie!" He told them.

         We then looked at each other and smiled. He then lifted his helmet and we kissed each other as the lights from the cameras flashed. We heard a few people say, "Awwww."

        He then raised his hand and told them that that was it. He needed to finish getting ready for the race.

        We then walked off towards the tent and I suddenly begin to feel nervous.  Cause the last time I was here, I was humiliated.

        Except when I walked inside, almost all riders had girls with them on their laps, but they seemed really nice and not all looked like they were stuck up or anything. They all nodded at Anthony and I like a 'what's up?!'

        I was introduced as his girl and instantly was pulled down onto his lap as he sat down. I swear, I love this man.



        I was the luckiest man tonight. Showing off my girl. My love. She was very sweet and understanding how important this night was to me. That even though it was Valentines Day, she was still gonna be right there at the event to cheer me on.

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