CHAPTER 14: Unconditionally

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          The slopes were a lot of fun and my favorite part would have to be going down one of the hills in a inner tube while on Anthony's lap. Us both laughing, screaming and having a fun and great time.

          I couldn't wait to tell my mom. Especially about the part where I learned how to snowboard.

         Which speaking of my mom, she called me today, while I was trying to get ready to go out to a bar place that Ray told us about that sounded like fun.

          I was telling her about everything and she told me excitedly how she was happy for me and that I was finally having fun and a great time with my friends. I also asked her about her and her boyfriend. She said they were doing great and that they were going out on dates and he was staying over.

          I then told her I missed her and loved her and that I had to leave. She said she missed and loved me as well and to be safe and continue to have fun. Especially with Anthony. Which made me turn red cause even though my mom and I were like best friends, it was still a little weird hearing her talk like that.

         Anyways, after hanging up, I began to finish putting my mascara on when I felt Anthony's arms wrap around my waist and kiss my neck.

        "You look beautiful." He tells me while looking at me through the mirror. "I don't know if I can wait until we get back to fuck your brains out." He says while kissing me again on my neck.

         "Well, you're going to have to wait baby. Cause I am not going to reapply all this." I chuckled.

          "You don't even need any makeup babe." He says to me.

           "Awww. Thanks baby." I tell him while turning around to face him, wrapping both my arms around his neck and giving him a kiss on the lips.

           He pulls his head away a little bit and starts licking his lips.

           "Mmmm. That tastes good. What flavor is that?" He asks me.

          "It's called Pink Frosting. It's by Maybelline. It's my favorite kind." I smile at him.

           "Well, now it's mine too. Though it makes me wanna get some real icing and lick it off your body." He smirks.

           I smile big at him then we give each other another long and passionate kiss before it got too heated up. Then we left to head towards that bar.


          When we arrived, it looked more like a roadhouse. (Which is such a great classic, by the way).

           As we walked in, I immediately felt uncomfortable. Though, luckily that Anthony is holding me close to him, I didn't feel to unsafe. In fact, I feel more safe than ever. Because of him.

           We started walking over towards the back where several pool tables are at and we take a seat at the bar stools that are lined up against the walls there. Ray, John and Anthony go to get a couple pitchers of beer, except a Pepsi for me.

          Then as they return, they set down the pitchers and glasses and we all cheers and begin to drink.

           Anthony has me stand up while he takes a seat on the bar stool that I was sitting on then pulls me down onto his lap with his arm wrapped around my waist still. And in which, I no longer hesitate in doing, since I know for sure he is strong enough to hold me and the fact he has already seen my body naked and loves my body. I definitely feel more confident when I'm around him.

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