CHAPTER 5: The Assignment

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       It was getting close to Thanksgiving, well close as in it's tomorrow and I didn't care too much for it. I am more of a Christmas lover. Even though I mostly spend them alone cause my mom works a lot. But I still love it.

      I didn't talk much about my plans when everyone talked about going to spend time with their families. I didn't want anyone to have pity on me. So I just kept quiet.

       Even when they did ask, I lied and told them that I was going to spend time with my mom.

        I was sitting in my last class and taking notes of what Ms. Pinkerton was saying. While of course, ignoring Anthony and him looking and grinning at me.

        Before class was over and we went home for Thanksgiving, she announced that we write a story about ourselves. It was going to be due by the end of the year and was a huge part of our grade.

        I was freaked out. I didn't want people to know how depressed I was and still kind of am. Yet, I can't make up a story. I'm glad we had until the end of the year to write it. Cause I was going to have to put some serious thought into it.

         The bell finally rang and I got up quickly, and hurriedly put my stuff in my bag and headed out. I wanted to see my mom before she went to work and ask her if she was going to make it to dinner this time.


       After arriving home, I threw my bag down onto the couch and called out for my mom.

       "Mom?!" I called out.

       I called out for her a few times and still no answer. So I figured she must have been asleep upstairs. Oh well, I thought. I will just wait for her before she goes to work and ask her.

        I walked upstairs, went into my room and got into my PJ's before laying down in bed.

        I thought before watching my show, I would write in my journal about today.

        As I brought my bag up from the floor and plopped it in front of me onto the bed, I began feeling around for my journal. I didn't find it. I started to panic while dumping my bag and moving things around on the bed. But still it was nowhere. I got up and began looking downstairs then back up in my room. But still, no journal.

         I run my hands through my hair and start trying to think about where it could be while I'm pacing by my bed, back and forth.

        Then suddenly, it hits me. I must have left it at school. Probably in my locker. Which, that's OK cause I can just go and get it tomor....Shit. wait a minute. Tomorrow's Thanksgiving and school is closed until Monday. Damnit!. I have NEVER gone one day without my journal. What if I dropped it and somebody has it? Omg. I have all of my personal thoughts and everything about me in there. Secrets that nobody should ever know. I also had information about what my ex did to me and the bullying. Just EVERYTHING! AAHHHH!!!!!!!

       I quickly take a few deep breaths (like my mom told me to do) and start reminding myself that it could be worse. Which it kind of helped. But what was I gonna do without my journal? I had to figure something out. Besides, I tell myself, it is most likely in my locker, safe from anyone to get a hold of it. So I will just get it on Monday. Everything will be fine.



       Today as I sat in class, again, staring at Mel while again, she avoided me. I couldn't stop thinking about Saturday.

        My thoughts were quickly interrupted when Ms. Pinkerton announced that we had to write a memoir type story about ourselves and that it was due at the end of the year and was going to be a huge part of our final grade. Which sucked cause I was a terrible writer.

       However, luckily, we had the rest of the year to finish it. So I could focus more on  going to the cabins in December for New Years. I know tomorrow is Thanksgiving but I am a Christmas/winter kind of a person.

        It was really cool, cause Ray and I both chipped in to rent out several cabins. We wanted to get a huge one, but we couldn't they were all already booked up. So we rented five.

         The bell rang and I saw Mel quickly grab her bag and books and start darting out the classroom.

         I was getting up and getting ready to leave when I noticed that she dropped her journal on the ground.

         I quickly grab it and start making my way through people to let her know that she dropped her journal. But, she had already left. So I figured I would just return it to her when I got home.

         Once I got home, I noticed that her car was not in the driveway. So I thought she wasn't home and I didn't want to leave it with her mom. I wanted to hand it to her myself. So I decided to head upstairs to my bedroom and wait for her to come back.

         Though as it got late, I was bored and had been trying to figure out what I can do.

        As I laid on the bed on my back, staring at the ceiling. I look over to my left and see on the night stand, her journal.

       I begin thinking about what all she has written in there and if any of it is about me.

       Immediately, I shake that thought out of my head.

       "I am not going to read her journal." I said out loud to myself.

       But the more I tried thinking of what to do, the more I found out there was nothing. So I just turned on some music and eventually passed out.

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