CHAPTER 10: Wait....What?....

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        The weekend had passed and it was the BEST weekend I had ever had. And though we didn't have sex, he did something just as good, if not better......He asked me if I would go out on a date with him and to be his girlfriend. 

        Never thought I would EVER be called his girlfriend. 

         It's been a few weeks since me and Anthony started dating. I wasn't sure if rather or not I wanted to tell Ray what his cousin had done to me. Though, the Monday after everything happened, I guess Anthony went ahead and told him. Cause Ray came up to me before school started and hugged me tightly, apologizing for his cousin. Though I told him that everything was okay and that it wasn't his fault. And that that's how Anthony and I got together.

         Today, as I walked towards my locker and started putting a couple of books into my bag, I look to my right and see both Anthony and his friends, walking towards me with a big smile upon his face. As his friends parted their separate ways, he continued towards me. 

        When he gets to me, he doesn't say anything. He instead, cups my face and starts kissing me passionately. I put both my arms around his neck and we continue to make out with each other until we both stop and place our foreheads against each other's to take a breath. 

        We look at each other and both smile. 

        "You look beautiful babe." He tells me. 

        "Thank you. You look good today too." I reply. 

        "I know." He says jokingly. 

        We both chuckle and then the bell rings. We both give each other one more kiss on the lips and both head towards our class. 

        "Come on. We better get to class before we're late." He says. 

        "Well, look who's trying to be good." I smirked. 

        He chuckles. "Yes, well, I am only doing it so that you don't get a bad girl reputation."

        We both share a laugh as we're walking hand in hand down the hallway towards our class. 

        It was hard for me to concentrate in class with him sitting right next to me and staring at me most of the time. He also kept passing me notes with cute and flirty things. He loved making me blush. 

        When lunchtime came around, we headed into the cafeteria and as I was trying to pick out what I wanted, he all of a sudden began to put a lot of food on my tray. 

        "I can serve myself." I tell him with a smile. 

        "I know. But I've noticed that you haven't really been eating a lot." He tells me. 

        "Are you saying I eat a lot? As in too much?" I jokingly ask. 

       "No. I'm just saying that I notice you are eating less than what you should be eating. It's one thing to be healthy. However, it's another thing if you're trying to starve yourself. And I won't have that." He winks at me as he takes his wallet out to pay. 

        "Thanks, BABY." I tell him for paying. And man, I just can't believe that I'm calling him that. I'm still waiting for someone to slap me across the face and tell me that I am dreaming. But so far, no slap. 

        "Of course." He replies. "As long as you're with me, you'll never have to pay for anything." He smiles at me. 

        I shake my head. "We'll see about that." I mumble under my breath hoping he doesn't hear it. 

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