How you meet

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Probably sucks, hope you don't mind. Wanted to start at the beginning.

         "What were you thinking? That was a dumb move, Kelly!" You heard someone shout as you hurried down the Manhattan street.
         "Sorry, Dave, but I gotta get goin'. Don't wanna be around here when the rats come out." Another voice growled back as our continued and their argument got closer
        "There are rats?" A younger voice questioned and you smiled at their ignorance. You turned the corner and ran into someone's chest.
        "I'm so very sorry, sir. I wasn't looking where I was going." You apologized and looked up to see a cute boy of around seventeen with brown hair, and brown eyes who had a red bandana around his neck. He smiled and helped you regain your balance.
        "Name's Jack, Jack Kelly. There ain't no problem, it wasn't your fault." He said and he offered a hand.
        "Y/n, Y/n L/n." You replied and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you."
        "Same to youse. Hope ta see you around sometime." He responded and walked off in the direction you came. Little did you know that you would meet again, and very soon.

       "And Tyrant wins again!" The announcer shouted as the crowd roared and you crossed the finish line on your trusty stallion, Tyrant.
       "Nice job out dere, Y/n." An unfamiliar voice spoke after you had collected your pay and were in the process of taking Tyrant to his stall. A cute boy with dark hair and eyes who was smoking a cigar appeared. "Me name's Racetrack, youse can call me Race. Youse've been winning a lot lately, and it's makin' me a lot of money."
       "Glad to be of service." You retorted sarcastically and continued on to the stables.
       "Sorry ta offend, sweet cheeks. I just wanna say dat I think youse're an impressive racer." He apologized and blocked your way. "Hey, maybe Ise can take youse out fer a drink ta apologize?"
       "Possibly." You said and guided Tyrant around to his stall. After the cute Italian boy was out of sight. Then you began to converse with Tyrant. "So what do you think of him?"
      He snorted and tossed his mane in response. He pawed at the ground and you affectionately patted his side.
      "I take that as a yes?" You sniggered and he tossed his head again as if he were nodding. "Should I go out with him?"
      To this he tossed his head for a third time and then nudged your shoulder as if he were telling you to go for it.
      "Fine, I'll go, but only for a free drink." You joked and then fed Tyrant and left.

     "Extra! Extra! Governor upset with mental institutions for mistreatment of patients!" One of the many Newsboys called and you decided to buy a paper for you to read to your parents who had been born outside of the U.S. whereas you were born in New York.
     "I would like a paper please." You said and offered the boy your penny.
     "Thank you." He muttered and a little boy that you assumed was his brother ran up.
     "'Ey, Jack taught me a bunch a stuff, wanna hear?" He bounced as he talked an you smiled at his innocence.
    "Sorry, Miss, this is my brother Les. Les, say hello." The older boy ordered and you finally looked him in the eyes and you were impressed with the intelligence you saw within them.
    "Hi! I'm Les, and that's David. He doesn't have a girlfriend." The little boy introduced. "I could bet he thinks your pretty, he probably likes y-mph." He was muffled by David's hand being slapped over his mouth.
    "Sorry about him, he has no filter. Now we better run along for supper. I hope to see you around." David apologized, shook your hand, and then scurried off.
     "My name's Y/n by the way, hope to see you too!" You called as he left and you continued home.

     "Hi, my name's Y/n, and I'll be your server today. What can I get for you?" You questioned and pulled out a note pad. You had been given the table that had the same crowd you always had at Tibby's, newsies. One of them was the cute cripple that had been thrown in the Refuge on trumped up charges and that had been in the papers. After everyone had ordered exactly what they had been for he past few weeks you turned to him.
    "The usual, please." He squeaked and you wrote it down and handed it to the cook. After serving them their food you were on your way back to their table when you heard the boys arguing. Then they all turned to you.
    "Oh miss, would youse be so kind as to help our poor crippled friend out romantically?" The one boy, Racetrack, you thought, attempted​ to sweet talk you.
    "What does that entail?" You asked, wary of some of these boys.
    "Just go out with him maybe?" The boy tempted.
    "Fine, but you owe me." You growled but were silently screaming as you went to your other tables.

    Funny story, you were jumped by some of his boys for selling in their spot and he offered you a place in the Brooklyn Newsies.

(From now on I'm probably going to write them like I did the Spot one, I don't have a lot of time. Bai my little cinnamon rolls 😀)

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