Bumlets catch up

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Here you go, hope I got his poisonality (😉) right. Everyone feel free to request anything and I am still taking submissions of boy's so pm me those.

How You Met: You were working with Denton and went with him to interview the boys. Bumlets flirted heavily and you surprised him by flirting right back.(Who wants me to go into more depth with this? Just me? Okay.)

Your Job: Reporter

Your First Date: He took you to Tibby's and got you the fanciest thing he could afford, water.

Favorite Band: Nirvana

Favorite Panic! At The Disco Song: Far Too Young To Die

Favorite Musical: Chicago, he is in love with the choreography of this show(who isn't?)

Your Sibling: Denton is your much older brother.

His: A mess. More specifically, a hot mess. He's always getting in trouble and acting a fool, you have to try and keep him in line
Yours: Honey. He just likes calling you Honey. It's weird.

Your Pet: A sweet little ferret named Velma.

Couple's Halloween Costume: Christine and the Phantom- He convinced you to. It was interesting when he tried to get you to sing with him though and when you got home you two threw candy you didn't want at each other.

He Yells At You: He thought you were flirting with one of the other guys (you weren't) and you stormed off.

You Make Up: He tracked you down and apologize.

You Get Sick: You started puking and couldn't stop, Bumlets sat with you and rubbed your back as you emptied the contents of your stomach.

Favorite Disney Movie: The Jungle Book

What The Other Newsies Call You:
It's simply because of your job

You Get Hurt By The Delanceys: Lets just say... He got like hulk-smash type of mad and they never bothered you again.

You Run Away: You got bored and wandered off. You promised yourself never to do that again.

His Instrument In Drum Corps: He's definitely in color guard and will backhand anyone who says color guard is for girls.

How To Get Him To Smile: Calling the back of your knee your George, he thinks it's hilarious. (My friend and I do this)

He Hears You Sing For The First Time:
You were making breakfast and singing along to the radio when He walked in from your bedroom. He instantly joined in.

He Realized He Loved You:  Call it cliche, but when he saw you he was automatically in love.

Nightmare A:
You woke up to him screeching about giant, killer bunnies. You felt bad but laughed anyway. He was a little upset to say the least.

Nightmare B:
He cam home late and found you squirming against your blankets and whimpering about clowns. Let's just say, you don't go to the circus and the one time he tried to prank you he came up behind you when you had a boiling hot mug of coffee... he doesn't prank you anymore.

Favorite Showtune: Perfect for You from Next to Normal.

Favorite Thing To Do At Christmas: Scare the younger newsies with tales of the Krampus (fascinating creature, that one is) and threatening they'll get coal in their stockings. He's cruel like that. But when it comes down to it, he absolutely LOVES giving them gifts, it's adorable when he starts handing them out and their faces light up.

Who He Is On New Years: He's the guy who drink and parties and eats all night. He's also that one guy who blows the party things (I know, so descriptive) and wears the weird glasses. He's fascinated by glowsticks. Free boose? He's in. Free food? He's in. Glow sticks? Even freaking better.

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