Elmer Catch-up

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Here you go Elmer_the_robot, hope I got his poisonality right. Everyone feel free to request anything and I am still taking submissionsof boy's so pm me those.

How You Met: You met during the strike through your brother.

Your Job: Laundress

Your First Date: He just sat with you at the docks underneath the stars. That is, before pushing you in and following suit.

Favorite Band: All Time Low

Favorite Panic! At The Disco: C'Mon (feat. Fun)

Favorite Musical: Next To Normal

Your Sibling: Blink

His- Dummy- Mostly because you normally are scolding him for doing something dumb
Yours-Beloved-He truly does love you

Your Pet: A cute little bunny named Edgar.

Couple's Halloween Costume: Mungojerry and Rumpleteazer (And most of the time they just leave it at that!)

He Yells At You: He got angry because you put yourself in a dangerous situation and almost got killed.

You Make Up: He apologized for acting irrationally.

You Get Sick: You were dizzy and tired, he tucked you in and made sure you were comfortable before he went off to work and made sure to sell as quickly as he could.

Favorite Disney Movie: Oliver and Company

What The Other Newsies Call You: Skirt, it's what you are. They aren't always that creative.

You Get Hurt By The Delanceys: He was ready to murder them, you calmed him down though, assuring him that you would be fine and you were not, in fact, dead or dying.

You Run Away: You didn't exactly run away, you got lost. It was an unpleasant experience and one you don't want to go through again.

His Instrument In Drum Corps: He plays trombone. One time, him, two trumpets (one of whom was Race) began playing the Imperial Death March in the middle of rehearsal. The color guard and drums thought it was hilarious, your director? Not so much.

How To Get Him To Smile: Cross your eyes and stick out your tongue at him, it works every time.

He Hears You Sing For The First Time: You were hanging around with the boys in Christmas and decided to just start randomly singing off the wall Christmas Carols. Spot was not amused.

He Realized He Loved You: First time you two kissed. That's when he realized it.

Nightmare A: He was thrashing about the bed babbling about dolls in his sleep. From then on, whenever you'd encounter a toy shop you would point out the creepiest doll they had just to annoy him oover what was, in his words, "a one time thing."

Nightmare B: You woke up in a cold sweat from a nightmare about clowns. Luckily Elmer was there to comfort you and eventually lull you back to sleep

Favorite Showtune: Wait For Me, Hadestown the musical (I am ridiculously obsessed with this musical)

Favorite Thing To Do At Christmas: Watch Christmas movies

Who He Is On New Years: The nonconformist, he thinks New Years is an excuse to party and get drunk and that it's not really all that important.

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