You Get Sick

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This is dedicated to milomurphy2 who was my first preference request. Thank you so much! 💙 you!

         "Youse alright, Y/n? Youse're looking a bit green." Spot asked, right before you hunched over and emptied out your lunch by his feet. "I take that as a no?" He joked as he helped you hobble into the Brooklyn lodging house.
         "I'm fine." You muttered and tried to refuse his help.
         "If youse was fine, youse wouldn't 'ave puked on me shoes." He reprimanded and pushed you to your bed. "Now, get some rest, I'll send Skip ta check on youse lata."
         "Thanks, Spot, love you." You muttered as he tucked you in. He leaned down and kissed your feverish forehead.
         "Love youse too, Y/n." He replied and went to leave. "But if Skip catches youse out of bed, I'm busting your rear like a little kid. Got it?"
         "Yes, sir." You joked. "He won't catch me."

         You were sick. Coughing, sneezing, and running a fever sick and you felt like you were dying. So naturally, that was the day David decided to visit.
         "Love? Are you there?" You heard from the other room.
         "In here!" You called back weakly and shifted underneath your blankets.
         "Oh God, are you okay?" He asked and rushed to your side. "Y/n! Can you hear me!?"
         "I'm sick, not deaf, David, and no. I'm running a fever and feel like I'm dying." You replied and he hugged you.
         "I'll be right back, I'm going to see if my mother knows anything to help." He excused and left for his house. Fifteen minutes, two coughing fits, and eight sneezes later he was back. "She said to make you tea and bring you soup. That sound good?"
          "Uh-huh." You affirmed while you curled up underneath your blanket to wait for the promised soup and tea.

          "Jack, I'm fine, it's just a cold." You complained as he sent you back to bed for the fourth time that day.
          "Yeah, but if youse're up and around it could turn inta pneumonia." He warned and tucked you back in.
         "And you need to be selling, not taking care of me for a cold." You countered and he shook his head.
         "David is sellin' me papes fa me." He replied and wrapped his arms around you. "So I can take care of youse all I want an' not worry about money. So go ta sleep."
          "I don't know why you do stuff like this for me." You said and cuddled up with him.
           "Because I love you and I ain't got nothing if I ain't got my Santa Fe." He replied as you began to fall asleep.

           "Crutchie, I love you, but don't you think you're being a bit, I mean, just a little-" You complained as your sweet, crippled boyfriend fawned over you.
           "I'm not overreacting. I'm just being cautious. Memba when I told youse about how I lost use of me leg? You could get real sick." He explained and gave you irresistible puppy eyes. "Now go to sleep."
            "Tell me a story." You ordered and he set his crutch down to sit down on the bed beside you.
            "Which one?" He asked as he tucked some hair behind your ear.
            "I don't know, something happy."  You answered while he smiled and kissed your nose.
            "How about Snow White?" He inquired and you giggle and nodded.
            "Cuddles?" You asked and it was his turn to laugh.
            "Cuddles." He affirmed, grabbed his book of fairy tales, and curled up with you. "Once upon a time..."

            "Lucky, are youse okay? Youse don't look like youse should race today." Racetrack inquired as you walked into the Sheepshead.
            "I'm fine." You fibbed about your sinus infection and continued on to the stables to collect Tyrant before Race grabbed you and pressed his hand to your forehead.
            "No, youse ain't. Youse're running a fever. C'mon, I'm takin' youse to tha lodging house​." He said and you shook your head in the negative. "Youse can tell your boss tomorra, now wese're goin' back home." You resisted but finally, for the sake of Race's sanity, agreed to go home and to bed.
           "Love you, Smokestack." You said, only half joking.
           "Love youse too, Y/n." He replied and turned off the lights so that you could sleep.

A/n: So sorry about Racetrack's being so short, I was at tech week for my parents' show. Not currently doing any theatre but I have an almost guaranteed role as Piglet in House at Pooh Corner this summer, and I'm also going to audition for Gypsy but currently I'm not in anything. But I still get no sleep. Lord help me. And my friend lost her internet and doesn't get it back until the third.😭

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