How You Met Bumlets

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    Your friend and coworker, Denton, was dragging you along to cover the newsboy strike. You didn't much care but being an up-and-coming journalist, you had to follow him around and help him. That didn't mean you couldn't complain about it though.
    "Denton, why do we have to report on this again? It'll be just like the trolley strike and we both know how well those are selling." You whined while you weaved through a crowd with the man that was assigned to teach you how to write articles the "correct" way.
    "Hush, Y/n." He replied as he pulled a notebook and pen out of his suit pocket and you struggled to catch up with him.
    "But Denton-" You started when he stopped, not noticing the teenagers in front of you.
    "I said hush." He interrupted before you could continue and possibly embarrass yourself. He motioned in front of you causing you to turn and see a group of dingy teenage boys, a few of which looked familiar. "Y/n, these are the boys."
    "Hello." You said curtly before turning back to Denton to continue complaining. "I don't understand why we-"
     "Y/n, that is quite enough. Now be quiet." He snapped and you sighed before doing as he said. "You are going to help me interview the newsies, start with Bumlets."
      "Who?" You asked as you searched the boys for someone who reacted to the name.
      "Right here!" A brunette called from further back. He shoved his way forward to stand in front of of you. "Nice to meet ya doll."
      "Let's just get this over with." You rolled your eyes and grabbed the boy's sleeve to drag him off to interview him. A long ten minutes later you were still talking to him and he was flirting heavily with you.
      "So, dollface, you're a workin girl?" He questioned as he leaned against a building in an attempt to act suave but just succeeded in leaning too far and falling onto his rear.
      "Yeah, I am. Can we wrap this up?"
You replied as you offered the boy a hand to help him up. Despite how you were acting, you actually found him fascinating and rather charming. "I have other people to talk to."
      "Sure thing, Y/n. What else you wanna know?" He leaned against the wall again, careful not to fall this time and avoiding a puddle of what he dearly hoped was water and not piss.
      "Only two more things." You added and he seemed to perk up a bit.
      "Yeah?" He said and you braced yourself for what was to come.
      "One, where do you sell?" You asked and he nodded to your right.
      "Just around the corner." He said and you smiled at the fact that you could pass him on your way to work and still get there on time.
      "Do you want to go out sometime?" You blurted and he grinned before his face fell.
      "I would if I could afford it but-" He started but you interrupted him before he could go further.
      "My treat." You offered and he nodded vigorously before holding out his hand. Assuming he intended a handshake you offered yours in return.
      "Well then, sure thing doll." He replied as he took your hand and pressed his lips to you knuckles. "See ya tomorrow?"
     "See you tomorrow." You said as you two walked back to the other boys so you could continue your interviews. At the end of the day, Denton walked you home and you were pretty content with the day. You met a cute guy, you wrote a good article, and your mom made meatloaf. The entire night all you knew was that you couldn't wait for the next day.

A/n: Short ass, awful chapter because I'm sleep deprived and marching band is kicking my ass? You bet! Really sorry for how awful this is.

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