Explaining Fansies to the Boys

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Me: Okay everyone, I decided it was time for me to explain to the boys what Fansies are. Ya ready? No? Well, too bad.
Spot: Why are we even here?
Me: Can it and listen. Fansies are people who fanperson over you guys. We, erm, they read and write fanfictions, preference, imagine, and oneshot books. Even ask and dare books. Any comments?
Crutchie: *wide-eyed, stunned silence*
Les: Wait, so there are girls who are obsessed with me? That's weird but makes me strangely happy.
Me: *mutters* Cocky, self-absorbed ten-year-old. *Normal* Davey? Anything?
Davey: *obviously disturbed* That's creepy.
Spot: Goils obsessing over me? That's great. *Smirks*
Me: *sighs and grins* Um, anyways, Jack?
Jack: As long as they ain't buggin me while I'm workin I don't honestly care.
Blink: I agree with Jack.
Mush: Me too, just don't bother me an we'll get along fine.
Racetrack: How many are there?
Me: A lot.
Spot: Say, are youse one?
Les: Ye-
Me: *smacks hand over his hand* Shut it, kiddo. *Looks at non-existent watch* Gee, would ya look at the time. Sorry, that's all we can include for today. Say adieu.
Boys: Bye!

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